Rebirth: Rising Hong Kong

Chapter 911: Died young, Shi Zhijian!

on the warship.

Shi Zhijian shook his wet hair, took off his wet clothes, and threw his head on the ground. He picked up the trousers and shirt on the sofa and put it on.

After finishing all this, Shi Zhijian sat on the sofa opposite Lai Luo carelessly. Under the bright crystal chandelier, a bright smile appeared on his handsome face, looking at Lai Luo, who was biting a cigar and eating cigarettes: "Thank you first! If it wasn't for you, I'm afraid I'd be buried in the belly of a fish!"

Lei Luo crossed his legs and spit a beautiful smoke ring at Shi Zhijian: "This time you are playing too crazy! Do you know how scared I am!"

"Afraid of what? Afraid of me really dying?"

"I think of you as a brother, that's why I said this!" Lai Luo said: "You really went too far this time! Don't say anything else, if I'm a little late, don't say you really die, I'm afraid Hong Kong It's going to change over there!"

Shi Zhijian put away his smile when he heard the words, "I know this, but how can you get a tiger's son if you don't enter the tiger's den?"

"What about your tiger? How much did you get?"

Shi Zhijian shrugged: "There is at least a lot of secret information here on Shark Island. As for Hong Kong, I'm afraid there will be more harvests this time!"

Lai Luo saw something in his words, "What do you mean?"

Shi Zhijian continued with a smile: "You should understand that there are no tigers in the mountains, and monkeys are called kings! You and I are not in Hong Kong, I am afraid that the monkeys over there will rebel!"

"You want to take the opportunity to kill them all?"

"If people don't offend me, I won't offend others. If people offend me, I'm sorry. I, Shi Zhijian, are not good men and women!"

It was the first time that Lai Luo saw Shi Zhijian with a fierce look in his eyes. In his impression, Shi Zhijian was always gentle and elegant. Even if he wanted to hurt people, he would still smile.

Lai Luo stretched out his hand and squeezed the hook nose: "So, you want to kill?"

"The Fu family, the Li family, and those who want to rebel, I will settle accounts with them one by one!" Shi Zhijian said, got up from the sofa, walked to the wine cabinet beside him, chose a whiskey, and sniffed it with his nose. After sniffing, instead of pouring the wine glass, he directly raised his head and took a sip, looking at Lai Luo: "Will you help me?"

Lai Luo got up and walked to the window, outside was the vast ocean.

Laidlaw bit his cigar and looked at the night outside: "If I didn't help you, I wouldn't have come all the way from Scotland Yard!"

Shi Zhijian smiled, "It looks like Brother Luo, you are already prepared!"

Lei Luo turned his head to look at Shi Zhijian: "You have to be careful with you!"

Shi Zhijian turned his head and jumped his feet, like a child, trying to get some water stains out of his ears, "Brother Luo, what you said embarrassed me! I have always been honest and honest, and I am sincere to people!"

Lai Luo rolled his eyes and said disdainfully: "Then you must have never looked in the mirror!" He took a wine glass, took Shi Zhijian's wine, poured a glass of wine and handed it over: "You need a wine glass for drinking, honest and honest. someone!"

Shi Zhijian took the wine glass: "Brother Luo has poured the wine, I must drink it!"

"If Fu Yongxiao knew that not only did you not die, but you wanted to go back to take revenge, I think he would definitely try to escape back to Macau!"

"He can't escape!"

Shi Zhijian drank the wine in the glass: "If you get involved in this storm, you will have to pay the price!"


Hong Kong Island, Sha Tau Kok.

Furious thunder roared one after another in the dark cloud curtain.

Luo Ting took three subordinates to wait for the people from Shark Island to come to trade at the connection point.

Next to her is a million dollars, which is 10 million Hong Kong dollars, which is the ransom in exchange for Shi Zhijian's freedom!

"Miss, the other party hasn't come yet!"

"Miss, it's going to rain, what should we do?"

The three subordinates looked a little anxious.

For them, the people at Shark Island are not good people, and this transaction is very dangerous.

Although they were pirates in the past, after all, they have been living in seclusion in Lantau Island for so many years.

Luo Ting, who looks like a King Kong Barbie, looked into the distance. The sea in the distance was dark and there was no news.

"Is the information wrong?" Luo Ting was a little surprised and felt that these Shark Island pirates were a little unreliable.

"That Tan Linger should be a trustworthy person, not to mention the huge amount of this transaction, a total of 10 million!" Luo Ting looked at the purse under her feet, and couldn't understand why Tan Linger's gang didn't keep their promise.

"Miss, someone is here!"

"Don't move around, it seems that you are selling fish!" Luo Ting put her hand on the waist of the raincoat, and saw clearly who was coming. It was her subordinate who sent out to inquire about the news.

Accompanied by the thunderstorm and the sound of the seaside waves, the man quickly approached the place where they were hiding.

Soon that person appeared in front of the four of them, but who else would it be if it wasn't Yuqiang?

Selling fish strong panting.

Luo Ting glanced around from a high place and saw that no one was following him, so she turned her gaze back and looked at Ma Yuqiang: "What happened?"

"It's not good, Miss!" Ma Yuqiang tried his best to catch his breath, "I inquired about the news, Mr. Shi Zhijian, he has... been torn up!"

"Ah, what?" Luo Ting was shocked.

For Shi Zhijian, Luo Ting has a very good impression. Not only is she handsome, but she is also very talented. Unfortunately, Shi Zhijian didn't like her when he visited the Lantau Pirates. Otherwise, Luo Ting might still be Shi Zhijian's concubine. .

"Speak clearly!" Luo Ting still did not believe that Shi Zhijian would be so short-lived.

"I got the news from Shark Island, that Shark Island witch Tan Linger was furious when she learned that Shi Zhijian's family called the police! When she learned that the Hong Kong police were going to join forces with the Coast Guard to destroy Shark Island, she went straight to Mr. Shi. Tickets torn!"

Luo Ting's face is extremely ugly!

Is it really dead?

"Not only that, I also heard that in order to punish Shi Zhijian's family for what they did, they threw Mr. Shi's body into the sea, and there were no bones left!"

When Ma Yuqiang said this, a flash of lightning flashed in the sky, illuminating the surroundings as bright as day. Ma Yuqiang saw Luo Ting's pale face and looked shocked.

"Miss, are you alright?"

Luo Ting controlled her emotions for the first time, recovered her expression, took out the pistol under the raincoat and fired three shots at the sky "bang bang bang"!

"Let's go back!"


Huo Boss Huo Yingdong was wearing a silk Chinese-style pajamas, and sat drowsily in the study.

"This time Fu and Ricci join forces, I don't think Ah Jian can stand it! Especially the land in Central, I heard that Fu has obtained the approval and Furama Hotel is about to be built, even if Ah Jian returns smoothly. It doesn't help!"

Huo Dashao Huo Zhenting sat opposite his father, and said with consideration to his tone: "There are no absolutes in the world! You also know that Ajian always likes to do things later! This time, the Fu family took advantage of their connections in Hong Kong to steal the land grant in Central, but it hasn't been made public yet. Before, everything changed!"

Mr. Huo seemed to have heard it, but he didn't seem to hear it. After sitting for a while, he turned his eyes from the empty space to Mr. Huo's face, and slowly picked up the tea cup: "Do you think Ah Jian can still come back?"

"Father, what do you mean by that?" Huo Dashao was anxious, "The 10 million ransom will be handed over to the gang on Shark Island tonight, and Ajian will definitely escape!"

"Do you believe what you said?" Mr. Huo slightly removed the teacup that was handed to his lips and looked at his son.

Huo Dashao swallowed and said, "Of course I believe it! Ah Jian I has a good life. He was able to work hard from a poor boy in Shek Kip Mei to become a famous young tycoon in Hong Kong. How could he have an accident?"

Mr. Huo's cloudy eyes glowed brightly, and he stared at his son: "Don't lie to yourself! The gang on Shark Island is related to Mr. Fu, you should know that!"

Huo Dashao stood up: "Father, how can you say that?"

"You don't have to be impulsive! Our Huo family used to run boats, pirates of Shark Island, I know best!"

Mr. Huo stopped talking, just stared at Mr. Huo.

at this time----

Jingle Bell!

the phone is ringing.

So late, who will call?

Huo Dashao had a bad premonition in his heart.

Big Brother Huo said to him, "Why don't you answer the phone?"

Huo Dashao then walked over and picked up the ringing phone.

Mr. Huo raised his head and glanced at the clock in the study, intentionally or unintentionally, it was almost eleven o'clock.


The phone hangs up.

Huo Da Shao was carrying Huo Da Shao, and his body was trembling.

Mr. Huo sighed: "Speaking it out, it will be better!"

"A Jian, he... he!" Huo Da Shao couldn't bear it any longer, "He was torn apart!"

After speaking, Huo Dashao turned around abruptly, his eyes fierce: "The one who killed Ajian, I, Huo Zhenting, want him to pay for his life!"

Big Brother Huo looked at his son with a slightly grim face, and spit out two words: "Very good!"


"You haven't been out to play these days? Aren't those Yingying Yanyan lonely in the nightclub?"

There was a thunderstorm outside, Xu Shixun Xu Sanshao's wife, Miss Jian, was barefooted, huddled on the sofa lazily covered in a blanket, in the basement projection room of a townhouse on Kennedy Road, Hong Kong Island, staring at the screen In the movie that is being played, although the words are complaining, there is no anger in the tone, more like flirting between lovers.

Although Miss Jian is from the Jian family in Malaysia, it is considered a big family, but the size of the Jian family is more reflected in its fame and status. It does not place too much importance on money. Life is more westernized, and it is enough to pay attention to the comfort of life. The ignorant pursuit of material enjoyment, this exaggerated entertainment project of transforming her own basement into a luxurious screening room and a film collection room, is the credit of Miss Jian.

For Xu Sanshao, he prefers to have fun outside rather than stay at home quietly.

"Where's Jin Heng, have you slept yet?" Xu Sanshao answered the question.

Xu Jinheng is the most precious son of Sanshao. He usually stays abroad with Miss Jian and rarely comes back, but every time he comes back, he will pester Xu Sanshao.

Miss Jian glanced at him, inserted a red grape with a toothpick and handed it to Xu Sanshao.

Xu Sanshao took it but didn't eat it, and seemed to be full of thoughts.

"Go to bed early! If you have to think about watching cartoons, I coaxed him to tell him to buy him American toys for his birthday, and he fell asleep obediently." Miss Jane said.

When Xu Sanshao heard the words, he didn't react.

"What's the matter? I've been seeing you in a daze these two days." Miss Jane asked.

Xu Sanshao didn't tell his wife about Shi Zhijian's kidnapping by pirates, so Miss Jian didn't know how anxious Xu Sanshao was at this time.

Xu Sanshao woke up, put the red grape with a toothpick in his mouth and ate it, "It's alright, you don't have to worry about it."

Miss Jane's eyes flashed with dissatisfaction, she reached out and lit a women's cigarette from the coffee table, then turned her eyes to the movie on the screen and said nothing.

Xu Sanshao felt the change in his wife's mood, and hurriedly said: "Actually, it's nothing, I'm afraid you're worried."

"If you don't tell me, how do you know I'll be worried?" Miss Jian didn't look back, her eyes were fixed on the screen, but her tone was cold.

"That, it's about Ah Jian. You also know that he is my good brother. This incident happened so suddenly!" Xu Sanshao had to explain.

When Miss Jian heard about Shi Zhijian, she couldn't help being curious.

Shi Zhijian and Xu Sanshao have a very good relationship, and Miss Jian knows that. Even when the two are laughing, Miss Jian will make fun of Xu Sanshao why he doesn't go to spend time with Shi Zhijian! Simply let him be the woman and Shi Zhijian the man, let's live together!

"What happened to him?"

"This..." Xu Sanshao hesitated for a while, "I'll tell you, you must not spread it out, this matter affects Ah Jian's life and death!"

Seeing her husband speak so solemnly, Miss Jane couldn't help but arouse her curiosity, "Okay, I promise you, tell me about it, I'll be absolutely tight-lipped!"

Xu San rarely saw his wife swear and promise, hesitated again and again, and then told Shi Zhijian's trip to South Korea, and then he was kidnapped by pirates at sea when he came back.

After listening to this, Miss Jian covered her mouth and widened her eyes, feeling that what Xu Sanshao told was completely a story, just like "The Count of Monte Cristo" being played on the screen now!

"Hey, that's what happened! Tonight is the time to pay the ransom, and I'm waiting for the call over there!" After Xu Sanshao finished speaking, he felt a panic in his heart, and stood up from the sofa and sighed.

Miss Jian also got up. Seeing her husband's anxious appearance, she couldn't help her heartache. She put the biting cigarette into Xu Sanshao's mouth and comforted him, "Don't worry, you also said that Ah Jianfu has a great life. Turn danger to safety!"

"You're right! I shouldn't be so worried! Ah Jian will come back safely! Aren't those pirates just asking for money, and if they get 10 million, they will release Ah Jian!" Xu Sanshao spat out. Smoke, turned his head and squeezed a bitter smile towards his wife.

Miss Jane watched "The Count of Monte Cristo" playing on the screen. The male protagonist just escaped from the island prison and said, "So you can rest easy! Don't think too much."

Xu Sanshao smiled and turned to put his arms around his wife's shoulders: "To tell the truth, A Jian is a very good person! He is loyal, and he is a good friend! You also know what is the relationship between me and him! Without him, there would be no me. Today! When my dad didn't die, he often praised him and praised me for making a good friend!"

Seeing that Xu Sanshao said this, Miss Jian followed his tone in order to comfort him: "Hey, I'm going to be jealous when you talk about it like this! Every time you talk about Ajian, you get excited, and those who don't know think he is Who are you! Also, every time you get drunk, you always mention him, saying that he is your lucky star, a friend who will never change for a lifetime! I listen to this so much that my ears are about to wear out!"

Xu Sanshao laughed and was about to speak, Jingle!

the phone is ringing.

Xu Sanshao narrowed his smile, stood still, staring at the ringing phone, as if it were some terrifying monster.


There was an earth-shattering sound of thunder outside the window.

Xu Sanshao hesitated for a moment, then he mustered up the courage to walk over to answer the phone.

Miss Jane looked at him silently not far away.

Xu Sanshao answered the phone and stood beside the phone.


The phone is down!

Xu Sanshao lost his motionless.

Miss Jane realized something, she walked over.

Xu Sanshao's lips squirmed a few times, but his throat couldn't make a sound, as if something was blocking it, holding it back!

Miss Jian reached out and took Xu Sanshao in her arms, slapped him on the back and said, "I don't know what happened, but if you want to cry, just cry!"

Xu Sanshao's face twitched a few times, and his throat made intermittent sounds.

Suddenly, he couldn't hold it any longer and burst into tears!

Tears are pouring rain!

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