Rebirth: Rising Hong Kong

Chapter 912: Call the wind and call the rain, Fu Yongxiao!

in a storm.

The Shi family's mansion was brightly lit.

In the hall, the eight servants of the Shi family all stood silently.

Shi Yufeng leaned back on the chair with a cold towel on his head.

Bao'er snuggled into her arms silently.

Bao'er's eyes were red, obviously crying just now.

Shi Yufeng was even paler, and her eyes were wet. .

Chen Huimin and Dasha stood silently on one side.

The three women, Nie Yongqin, Su Youwei, and Bai Ledi, also had red and swollen eyes, and their expressions were sad.

"Don't worry about me, go and rest first!" Shi Yufeng said in a hoarse and low voice.

"Sister Yufeng, don't think too much, maybe things are not what the legends say!" Nie Yongqin tried her best to suppress her desire to cry, comforting Shi Yufeng.

"Yeah, A Jianfu has a big life, how could something happen? Those pirates must be frightening us! The purpose is to extort more money!" Belletti also said.

Su Youwei is a simple person, but just keeps wiping her tears.

Shi Yufeng waved his hand: "You don't have to persuade me! I know whether it's true or false! As for that girl Luo, after all, she has helped us so much, so I should thank her!"

"Don't worry, I got someone to do it!" Nie Yongqin said.

At this moment, the housekeeper Wang Cai hurried over and said, "Madam, Xu Sanshao and Huo Dashao are here!"

When Shi Yufeng heard the words, she got up and said, "They are really interested, and they came here so late!" Looking at the Western-style grand clock in the room, it was almost one o'clock in the morning.

"Let them in! Yongqin, go down and prepare! Papaya, prepare tea! There is no man at home, so don't let outsiders see jokes!"

"It's Sister Yufeng!"

"Okay, ma'am!"

Everyone took action.

Soon Xu Sanshao and Huo Dashao came in from outside.

The two of them were slightly wet, and it looked like it was raining heavily outside.

Seeing that the two came in, Shi Yufeng hurriedly put down the Bao'er she was holding and got up to greet him.

Xu Sanshao and Huo Shao hurriedly handed over to Shi Yufeng not to be too polite.

Tea comes.

After all, the three of Nie Yongqin hadn't returned to the door of the Shi family, so it was inconvenient to see guests at this time.

Xu Sanshao and Huo Shao were holding tea, feeling inexplicable sadness in their hearts, for a while they didn't know how to speak.

Finally, Xu Sanshao put down the teacup and said, "Miss Shi, if you don't mind, I have already helped Ah Jian choose the location of the mourning hall. It's in the Kowloon Wanguo Funeral Home, you see..."

Shi Yufeng closed his eyes: "Do you also think Ajian is dead?"

Xu Sanshao couldn't hold back the tears anymore, he turned his head and took out a handkerchief to wipe it.

Seeing this, Huo Shao had no choice but to say, "Miss Shi, please rest assured! We are good friends with Ajian, and we will continue to inquire about this matter! But the matter has come to this point, we still have to prepare with both hands, the matter of the mourning hall should not be too late! "

Shi Yufeng burst into tears, "I understand what you mean, something happened to Ajian, if it drags on for too long, it will be detrimental to the company, especially the process of many affairs of the company! However, I never believe that Ajian will really die. My little guy, if I die, I will definitely entrust the dream to me, I haven't had a dream these days!"

Huo Shao stopped talking, and the scene fell into silence.

After a while, Shi Yufeng said, "Just follow your arrangement! You are Ah Jian's good friends, I believe in you!"

Xu Sanshao and Huo Shao nodded.

Xu Sanshao said, "Ajian really likes the image of a handsome boy, and I'd like to trouble you, Miss Shi, to choose the most beautiful photo of Ajian and use it when setting up the mourning hall!"

Shi Yufeng nodded, "He's been busy with work these past few days, but he doesn't take pictures much, I'll look for it!"

Xu Sanshao and Huo Shao nodded again. In their impression, Shi Zhijian really didn't like taking pictures, and he often said something, "Gambling God Gao Jin also doesn't like taking pictures, so it can maintain a sense of mystery!"

Is the bet on the edge?

Until now, the two of them don't know, but there are quite a few gambling kings in Macau.

In the following time, the three talked a few more times.

The content involves the next operation of Shinhwa Company, as well as Shi Zhijian's death and so on.

The three people were distracted, and there was no main line in what they said.

After finally staying up until two o'clock, Xu Sanshao and Huo Shao got up to say goodbye.

Shi Yufeng hurriedly got up to see off the guests.

After the two left, Shi Yufeng couldn't hold on any longer, her body was shaky, and she collapsed on the chair.

"Sister Yufeng!"


The crowd stepped forward.

Nie Yongqin and others who were hiding in the inner room rushed out after hearing the words, and everyone was in a hurry for a while, for fear that something would happen to Shi Yufeng.

Shi Yufeng was so sad that she finally opened her eyes, looked at Nie Yongqin and the others, and said only one sentence: "I miss our Ah Jian so much!"


Xu Sanshao and Huo Shao left the Shi family's mansion. They were about to get into the car when a black Bentley came slowly in the heavy rain.

The horn blared.

The headlights flickered.

The car window opened, and Fu Yongxiao stuck out his head and said to Xu Sanshao and Huo Shao, "Xu Shao, Huo Shao, are you interested in having supper?"

Such a heavy rain, such a late hour, eating supper?

And the meeting place is still in front of Shi Zhijian's house, this Fu Yongxiao is too provocative!

Xu Sanshao immediately glanced at Huo Shao.

Seeing that the two were silent.

Fu Yongxiao smiled slightly and said, "What a heavy rain! If you don't eat a word, you two are not afraid of me, right?"

Stimulate the law?

Xu Sanshao immediately sneered with Huo Shao: "I'm afraid you can't afford Fu Shao!"

"Then please get in the car!" As Fu Yongxiao spoke, his sturdy subordinate Fu Cong got out of the car, held an umbrella, and helped Xu Shao and Huo Shao open the car door.

The two of them got into the car without hesitation.

When Xu Shao's driver A Xiang and Huo Shao's driver A Cai saw it, they hurriedly set the car on fire.

At the same time, the black Bentley had already set off, and the two of them hurriedly followed closely behind.


Hong Kong's nightlife is always exciting, even if it's stormy tonight, even if it's past two in the morning.

This private club on Nathan Road is brightly lit and bustling at the moment.

When Xu Sanshao and Huo Shao followed Fu Yongxiao into the private room of the clubhouse, the sturdy Fu Congye was already guarding the door.

Neither were the drivers A Xiang and A Cai Jin, nor were they not entering. Looking at Fu Cong, who was tall and majestic with a fierce look on his face, he was even more afraid. In desperation, he had to stay nearby five or six meters away from the door, waiting for the young master to come out.

Axiang leaned against the wall, leaned in front of the decorative potted plant, tore the green leaves of the potted plant with his hands, and muttered angrily: "Choose! What the **** is this Master Fu doing? In the middle of the night, I invited my young master to have a late-night snack. There's a ghost!"

Ah Choi is an honest man, and when he heard the words, he hurriedly pulled Ah Xiang and asked him, "What the hell? Will my young master be okay?"

A Xiang pouted: "Don't you have eyes? Then Mr. Fu looks like a traitor! Maybe there is a knife and axe in it, and then there is another cup-throwing number, and then your young master and my young master will be arrested. Dumplings are made and chopped into minced meat!"

A Cai was frightened, his face turned into a pig's liver, and he hurriedly pulled A Xiang: "Should we call the police?"

Ah Xiang hurriedly said: "What do you report to the police? Don't be afraid of me! Others don't know, don't you know, I, Ah Xiang, also learned kung fu by eating porridge overnight, even if I can't fight one against three, and hit one or two squatters. Three is still possible!"

When Ah Cai heard the words, he said, "Where's the one at the door? Can you call it?"

Ah Xiang glanced at Fu Cong, who had a big shoulder and a round waist, and was worried because he knew that the bodyguard by Mr. Fu's side was not simple. He was known as the "Tiger of Macau" to the outside world, and he was a man who killed the Quartet in Macau.

Although Ah Xiang was afraid, he pretended to be an expert: "Hey! To tell the truth, he is also a master. If he really fights, he is afraid of half a catty!"


Inside the deluxe room.

Steak, fruit salad, red wine and other delicacies are placed on the table.

Fu Yongxiao looked very calm when sitting on the western-style seat. He lowered his head to trim the cigar in his hand, and casually said to Xu Sanshao and Huo Dashao who were sitting opposite: "If you two are hungry, you can eat something first. We'll talk later!"

Xu Sanshao and Huo Shao didn't say a word, and didn't start to eat.

Fu Shao shrugged and looked up at the two of them: "To be honest, I invited the two of you to meet here so late. In fact, I am very sincere! Can the two young masters feel my sincerity?"

Xu Sanshao snorted coldly, stared at Fu Yongxiao and said, "If you have anything to say, just say it, don't go around in circles!"

Fu Yongxiao smiled, "I'm so sincere, how about you guys, it's too insincere to talk like this, how can you communicate with me if you're not sincere? Everyone has estrangement, and the film (in English) is not enough, it's hard to do!"

Hearing this, Xu Sanshao took off his watch, slapped it on the table, pointed at the time, and said, "We'll come with you in such a heavy rain, we don't even bring bodyguards! Also, give you half an hour, do you want to? Say what you say, is this sincerity enough?"

Fu Yongxiao looked at the watch on the table with interest, put the cut cigar in his mouth, and a man behind him immediately struck a match and handed it to his mouth.

By lighting the cigar, Fu Yongxiao has already looked at Xu Sanshao from top to bottom, and said calmly: "The third young master of the Xu family is really quick to talk, that Shi Zhijian can make a friend like you, it is a blessing for Sansheng!"

Xu Sanshao's heart froze slightly, but the anger on his face did not diminish at all: "Since you mentioned Ah Jian, I want to ask, is it your fault that he has an accident?"

Fu Yongxiao smiled unconcernedly: "If something happens to him, who cares about me? I came to Hong Kong from Macau to do business, not to harm people! Unless..."

Fu Yongxiao paused, "Unless that person doesn't know what's wrong, he insists on hitting my gun with his head!"

"Then you admit it!" Xu Sanshao looked directly at Fu Yongxiao: "In order to get revenge on A Jian, you joined forces with the pirates at sea to frame him?"

Fu Yongxiao withdrew his gaze on Xu Sanshao, stared at Xu Sanshao for a moment, and grinned: "Third young master, this kind of thing requires evidence! You have no basis for making random guesses here, that's not true. OK!"

After speaking, he pointed at Xu Sanshao with a cigar in his mouth, and his tone became severe: "Of course, I can sue you for slander! Collusion with pirates is a very serious crime! I, Fu Yongxiao, are innocent, and I must not be convicted by your nonsense. Defiled!"

Huo Dashao saw that Xu Sanshao was at a disadvantage, so he stood up and said: "Is it tarnishing your reputation, or is it true? This matter needs to be verified by the police in the future! Don't go around in circles, why did you invite us to come? thing?"

"Tsk tsk, how can Young Master Huo be as restless as Young Master Xu?" Fu Yongxiao kept smiling, holding a cigar between his two fingers, nodded at Master Huo, and his voice suddenly increased: "But since you asked, I will give it to you. I'll let you know about your old man's face! I invited the two of you to come over tonight because I want to discuss a big plan together! To be precise, it's good for you, can't you?"

Huo Shao and Xu Shao looked at each other.

Fu Yongxiao continued: "Hey, I just heard the news. It seems that something happened to your good brother Shi Zhijian. For this, I am deeply saddened, and I hope you two will mourn and change!"

"But people can't be resurrected from the dead, and the work of Shinhwa Real Estate still needs to be done! I heard that the two of them have always been the backbone of Shinhwa Real Estate, and Shi Zhijian didn't actually do anything! Why didn't the two of them take the opportunity to become independent and win in one fell swoop? Mythology Real Estate, when the time comes to control half of the real estate in Hong Kong, will it not be majestic at that time?"

Xu Sanshao and Huo Shao didn't speak, they just stared at Fu Yongxiao with burning eyes.

Fu Yongxiao thought that he was persuading the other party, and continued to laugh: "The other two must have heard that Shi Zhijian and I were secretly competing for the development of the Central real estate development. He wanted to build residential buildings, but I wanted to build a hotel! Furama Grand There is a revolving restaurant on the top floor of the hotel, which is very advanced. Do you like it? But the guru Hong Kong Governor is very fond of Shi Zhijian, which makes me very passive!"

When Fu Yongxiao said this, he flicked his cigar into the ashtray.

"Hey, now I'll give you a chance, let's make a fortune together! Shi Zhijian hangs up, I've already won the land in Central, and you, I'll take the Shinhwa Real Estate, and we all work together! I'll go out, you'll pay for the construction company. , Let's make a fortune together, cook and fish together, OK?!"

At this time, Fu Yongxiao looked proud. In his opinion, neither Xu Sanshao nor Huo Dashao had any reason to reject his proposal!

You must know that Xu Sanshao used to be called "the dandy young master" in Xiangjiang! Huo Shao's name in Xiangjiang is "Young Master of Waste Wood"! The two of them were not favored by their elders in the family. It was only after they met Shi Zhijian that they turned around and achieved a great career.

But now that Shi Zhijian is dead, the two of them have no support. Maybe they will be beaten back to their original shape soon.

Now he Fu Yongxiao is willing to help them, not only encouraging them to take the opportunity to **** the Shinhwa Real Estate Company, but also willing to give them the opportunity to cooperate with them to develop the Furama Hotel in Central. Young and old will definitely be tempted!

People will be moved!

What's more, Xu Shao and Huo Shao are still responsible for the family, so how could they give up such an opportunity in anger?

"How about it, the two of you can carefully consider the suggestion I gave! But I have limited time, so please seize the opportunity!" Fu Yongxiao bit his cigar and spit a thick smoke towards Xu Huo and the two arrogantly. lock up.

Seeing this, Xu Sanshao smiled.

He stood up, picked up the tea cup and said, "Thank you for your kindness, Master Fu, come here, this cup is my honor!"

Fu Yongxiao smiled proudly when he heard the words: "Three young masters are very polite..."

Before he could finish speaking, Xu Sanshao splashed a glass of water directly on his face!

"I'm honoring you on behalf of Ajian! I'm throwing you in the street!"

Fu Yongxiao might as well, he was splashed all over his face, looking extremely embarrassed!

The person behind Fu Yongxiao wanted to start, but was stopped by Fu Yongxiao.

Fu Yongxiao wiped his face with his hand, threw the tea on his hand, looked up at Xu Sanshao and said, "If you say this, you don't need to talk about it?"

"Talk about your mother! You killed Ah Jian, it's good that I don't settle accounts with you, but I also want to make me mess with you! I'll give you a shit!"

After Xu Sanshao finished speaking grabbed the watch on the table and turned around to go out.

Seeing this, Huo Shao picked up the teacup and wanted to throw it at Fu Yongxiao. Seeing that the guard behind Fu Yongxiao stretched his hand into his arms, he held back and scolded, "Splashing on your hands is too dirty for me! Farewell!" He followed Xu Sanshao out together .

The guard wanted to chase after him, but was stopped by Fu Yongxiao. ‘

At this time, Fu Cong, who heard the movement, also came in, "Master Fu, do you want to—"

Fu Yongxiao wiped the tea stained on his face and hands with a tissue, and said, "It's interesting, it's really interesting! I can't believe that these two wastes still know how to show loyalty!"

Fu Cong didn't say anything, waiting for Master Fu's order.

After Fu Yongxiao finished wiping, he crumpled the tissue in his hand into a ball, threw it on the ground, and said coldly, "Let's start! This dog Yan Xiong is full, so it's time to do something!"

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