Rebirth Space: Ace Spicy Wife, Don’t Get Angry

Chapter 1106: Do you think of her as a mother? (40 more)

Criticism and accusation came from the crowd again. Qin Tianyue stopped thinking about the girl who had left, and looked at the owner of the grilled fish shop with a cold look.

At this time, the old man walked slowly towards the boss’s wife. The two looked at her tortoise speed. They seemed to think that the old man was deliberately embarrassing them, and stared at the old man with an ugly face, "Old man, did you deliberately, since If you don’t want to help, then go back."

The proprietress stretched out her hand and pushed hard towards the old man, who fell back in horror.

A pair of slender arms hugged her from behind the old man, a faint scent filled the air, and the sound of exclamation came from the crowd, staring at the scene in amazement.

Just when all of them thought that the old man was about to fall to the ground and something happened, they saw a slender figure quickly stepping forward and hugging the old man from behind.

The air seemed to be stagnant at this moment, and everyone took a closer look and discovered that the person hugging the old man was actually a very young and beautiful girl.

"Old man, are you okay?"

Qin Tianyue's delicate voice sounded, and the frightened old man shook his head and coughed in pain. She was already ill, and she fell to the ground just now, her body could not bear it long ago, and she felt uncomfortable.

Seeing the old man's pale and bloodless face, Qin Tianyue's eyes flashed with a gloomy bird, one hand grasped the pulse of the old man, and his beautiful eyes looked at the owner of the grilled fish shop with cold eyes.

The boss and the proprietress were stunned by her gaze, and they stood there suddenly unable to move, looking terrifying.

Qin Tianyue took out a pill for the old man, and was about to put it into the old man’s mouth. The owner of the grilled fish shop screamed, "What are you doing? What to eat for the old thing, if something goes wrong, I will look for it. Who is that?"

The proprietress stepped forward to catch Qin Tianyue and not let her give the old man a pill.

At the moment when her hand was about to touch Qin Tianyue, a slender arm severely grabbed the lady boss's arm and folded it gently, and the lady boss made a painful sound of killing pigs.

The tall and slender figure stood in front of Qin Tianyue, and there was a sigh of relief around him. I thought that the girl was amazing enough, but now I found that the man standing in front of the girl is even more amazing, beautiful as the facial features of the gods. Everywhere is like the most perfect masterpiece in the sky, those sharp phoenix eyes are really hard to move.

Mo Yishen threw away the lady boss. The lady boss took a step back and was supported by the boss. The boss looked at Mo Yishen fiercely, "Who are you guys? Don't be nosy here. That's my mother. You can feed her as you please. Things, if something goes wrong, I won’t let you go.”


A cold voice sounded, and Qin Tianyue gave the old man the pill to eat. After watching her breath calm down, his sharp and cold eyes shot at the two of them, "Is she your mother? Do you consider her a mother?"

In just two words, the boss's complexion changed slightly, and many people around him booed, "Yes, this kind of person does not regard the old man just now as a mother."

"Don't take care of this family's business in the future. It's horrible. I have never seen such a shameless person."

"Yes, girls are good, this kind of people should go to jail, and they dare to treat the elderly like this."

The boss’s wife was said to be blushing. Usually, for the sake of business, they suppress their tempers. Today, it is because the business is too busy. Their busy tempers become irritable, and the old stuff in the family breaks the plate, so they can’t help but get angry .

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