Rebirth Space: Ace Spicy Wife, Don’t Get Angry

Chapter 1107: Don't be nosy (41 more)

"This is my family affair, what does it have to do with you, don't be nosy."

The boss wife yelled without much confidence under the accusation eyes of everyone.

Seeing Qin Tianyue still catch the old man, the boss glared at the old man, "Don't you get out of here?"

The old immortal could still help, but now she causes trouble for them all day long, wishing she would die right away.

The old man trembled in fear, patted Qin Tianyue's hand, and said gratefully to Qin Tianyue, "Girl, thank you, you should go, there are some things you can't control."

In the past, it was not that no one wanted to make his son and daughter-in-law treat her well, but in the end, that person was beaten up by his son and daughter-in-law, and no one dared to intervene in this matter anymore.

It is best for this kind little girl to leave, so as not to be bullied in the end.

The old man pushed Qin Tianyue desperately. In order to prevent Qin Tianyue from intervening and being bullied, she had no choice but to say with a cold face, "This is my family affair, you can go."

Qin Tianyue was pushed back a few steps by the old man, Mo Yishen held Qin Tianyue’s waist with one hand, and glanced at the old man indifferently. The old man was guilty in his eyes, and he was unwilling to look at Qin Tianyue more. He turned and walked in the direction of his son and daughter-in-law. .

There was a voice from the elderly who did not know what was good or bad. Many people saw the old man doing this and were unwilling to fight her injustice and turned and left.

The old man wiped his tears sadly and walked in the direction of his son and daughter-in-law. The two of them looked at the scattered crowd triumphantly. They were still immortal, making them ashamed and tidying up for a while.

Qin Tianyue watched as the old man approached the two, gritting his teeth.

She knew what the old man meant, and knew that she didn't want to intervene by herself.

They have always been her son and daughter-in-law, the ones who wanted to give her the end, if she dealt with them now, the old man would also feel unbearable.

That's it!

Mo Yishen squeezed Qin Tianyue's hand, glanced at the proprietress of the grilled fish shop again, and left with Qin Tianyue's hand.

Seeing the two of them turn around, the boss wife showed a fierce face and gave the old man a kick, "Hurry up and get out of work."

The old man was in distress and limped towards the grilled fish shop.

The boss wife looked at the old man disgustingly, two stones suddenly shot at the knees of the two of them, and the two of them knelt on the ground instantly, their brows were frowned in pain, and their faces were ugly.

"It hurts!"

The two knelt in front of the old man, and the old man was startled and at a loss.

The crowd who had dispersed was suddenly applauded, and they didn't know what happened. They only knew that they suddenly saw these two people kneeling on the ground, crying for pain.

"Who is it? Who the **** is it?"

The boss glared fiercely at the crowd surrounding him again, gritted his teeth fiercely as he watched the gloating under the eyes of the crowd.

No one admitted, looking coldly at the two kneeling in front of the old man.

"Don't get out yet."

Seeing that he became a joke, the boss looked very ugly, yelling at the bewildered old man.

The old man walked inside in fear. The bosses of the grilled fish shop helped each other to get up with difficulty. Their knees hurt and uncomfortable. Lifting their pants, they found a large area of ​​bruise on the knees, which looked a little scary.

There were two ordinary stones on the ground. The boss picked them up and gritted his teeth in resentment. It was damned who actually dared to hit them.

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