Rebirth Space: Ace Spicy Wife, Don’t Get Angry

Chapter 1115: This girl is really good at doctors (49 more)

The doctor who was caught by Mo Yan was still struggling. He stopped struggling after seeing Qin Tianyue's movements. His eyes were shocked that could not be concealed. Although he was a Western medicine doctor, he still knew a lot about Chinese medicine.

The girl's techniques are skillful and sophisticated, and the injection speed is so fast and accurate. She is not a stranger at all, which means that she really knows medicine, and the medicine is not low.

I don't know what she ate for the old man just now, there seemed to be a seemingly non-existent pill scent in the air, because it was so weak, he couldn't smell what it was.

"This girl is really good at doctors, she seems a bit powerful!"

"It's really amazing. Before my eyes can see, her silver needle has been pierced."

"Do you feel that the old man seems to be better."

"Yes, the old man opened his eyes."

Everyone looked at them in surprise and carefully.

Qin Tianyue stopped his movements and looked at the old man who was lying on the stretcher slowly opening his eyes.

The old man opened his eyes, and the first thing he saw was Qin Tianyue, "Girl, why are you still here? What's wrong with me?"

The old man said weakly, suddenly remembering something, his complexion changed slightly, and his eyes were filled with despair and sadness.

She was rushed to the back of the kitchen by her son and daughter-in-law to wash the dishes. The cold water made her heart cold as if covered with a layer of ice. She was uncomfortably washing the dishes while wiping her tears.

Later, my son came in from the outside and watched her wiping tears. Apart from anything else, he picked up a bowl that had been washed on the side and smashed it towards her. He smashed her on the head like this, and immediately smashed her. Lie down on the ground.

She held her head and begged her son not to beat her. He would listen to her, throw away the bowl, scolded her, said she was rubbish, and knew she was crying, and then kicked her.

She was in pain, wanted to run, but couldn't escape, and despair filled her heart.

This is her son who has been in pain since childhood, why is she doing this to her now.

Just because she is old, just because she can't help them anymore?

She raised him frugally, why is this the result now?

She was lying on the ground, full of despair. Her son kept kicking her hard, kicking every foot on her heart.

Her heart was already scarred at this time, and she wished to leave this world immediately to accompany her old man.

Later, when she was dying, her daughter-in-law walked in, and she seemed to spit on the ground when she saw her on the ground, telling her son that a big deal had come in.

Then her son and daughter-in-law walked out happily. She heard her son and daughter-in-law talking to a girl. The girl seemed to say an address, not very far from their shop, and then she felt the daughter-in-law. The son followed and left, leaving her alone on the ground, ignoring her.

She looked at the ceiling of the kitchen, desperate, someone seemed to scream in her dying breath, and then someone carried her onto a stretcher.

She thought she would definitely leave this world this time, but she didn't know that she would see the girl who saved her just now when she opened her eyes.

Qin Tianyue took the old man's hand and said softly, "Old man, you are all right."

The old man smiled bitterly, "Thank you!"

Qin Tianyue sighed. She knew the despair in the old man's heart. No matter how strong she was, this despair could not be saved. What she could only save was the human body, not their hearts.

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