Rebirth Space: Ace Spicy Wife, Don’t Get Angry

Chapter 1116: Has something to do with that girl (50 more)

"You're welcome!"

Qin Tianyue took a step back and glanced at the grilled fish shop. The two people were no longer in the shop. Someone in the crowd was also talking about them running away. Did they really run away?

In fact, she saw the evil spirit on their foreheads just now, and there was a faint blood color in the evil spirit, which means that the two of them had a **** disaster.

I suddenly thought of the girl who was inexplicably familiar, the girl with the same ability!

She could see the coldness in her eyes clearly.

Qin Tianyue couldn't help looking at the old man lying on the stretcher with his heavenly eyes, and pictures appeared in her mind.

Sure enough, are those two related to that girl?

After thinking about it, Qin Tianyue thought of the two people. The picture was a little blurry because they were looking at people apart.

An unclear picture flashed through her mind, and a faint light flashed in Qin Tianyue's eyes. She saw in the dark alley, the owner of the grilled fish shop begging for mercy, and a slender figure in front of them was approaching them.

Still wanting to look deeply, Qin Tianyue's eyes hurt, and he couldn't help covering his eyes uncomfortably.

Mo Yishen stood behind Qin Tianyue, stretched out his hand to wrap her shoulders, let her lean in his arms, "What's wrong?"

Mo Yi's dark eyes were slightly cold, and his tone was a little eager.

After Qin Tianyue slowed down, he opened his eyes and shook his head towards Mo Yishen.

It’s because I used Reiki to treat the old man, and then I saw what happened to the old man with the eyes of the sky. In the end, I took more time and energy to look at the two people in a distance. It was because I wanted to know what happened. I have some pain in my eyes.

Mo Yishen frowned, his face a little ugly.

Qin Tianyue smiled at him, "Okay, isn't it okay?"

Mo Yishen did not speak, and the doctor who had just stopped Qin Tianyue from stepping forward with surprise on his face, "Hello, hello!"

The young doctor in his thirties had admiration and respect in his eyes. He did not expect that the girl in front of him would really be able to heal and be so powerful. The dying old man’s home would only be pierced by her for a few needles, how good it would be. Can technology be like this?

"Your medical skills are really good! I was just irrational. If it weren't for you, the old man probably had something wrong."

The doctor whispered. He stopped it so hard just now, now that he is a little ashamed in retrospect.

"Nothing, the old man is fine."

Qin Tianyue said quietly, "Send the old man to the hospital first. She has been malnourished for a long time. Let's go to the hospital for a careful examination."

Since there is a doctor here, she doesn't need to intervene anymore.

"Ok, Ok!"

The doctor nodded, Qin Tianyue was still a little worried. Just about to say something, Mo Yan stepped forward and said, "Madam, leave it to me here. You go back with Master Mo first."

"Then trouble you!"

Qin Tianyue looked at Mo Yan. Mo Yan was Mo Yishen's right-hand man. She knew that Mo Yan would make arrangements for the elderly, so she was relieved.

"No trouble!"

Mo Yan respectfully nodded towards Qin Tianyue, turned and walked towards the ambulance.

The doctor glanced at Qin Tianyue again, then turned and left.

The old man gratefully looked at Qin Tianyue who had never met before, silently said thank you again to her, and was carried away by the medical staff.

Qin Tianyue watched the ambulance leave, and was about to turn to leave. He heard a low voice from behind him.

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