Rebirth Space: Ace Spicy Wife, Don’t Get Angry

Chapter 1117: What is she going to do (explosive 51 more)

"Just now I seemed to see those two people walking over there with a girl."

"Really? Didn't the two run away?"

"No, I just saw that the two people seemed to be discussing something about cooperation with the girl, and they didn't feel guilty for hurting the old man at all."

Several young people stood not far away from Qin Tianyuemo and muttered quietly, staring at where they were pointing, with disgusting gazes in their eyes.

"How come there is such a person, the old man raised him, he actually beat the old man, and he went to discuss cooperation with some girl, it is really horrible, this kind of person is not worthy of living in this world."

"Yes, I don't deserve to be alive!"

Several people said indignantly. Qin Tianyue looked at a few people, as if he could feel her gaze. The gazes of a few people looked at Qin Tianyue's gaze and were slightly taken aback, with an excited expression on his face. They saw the scene clearly. The girl was so good at medical skills that she saved the dying old man back.

"Girl, you are amazing."

Several people leaned forward and said excitedly to Qin Tianyue. When they looked at Mo Yishen next to her, they didn't dare to get too close. They always felt that this handsome-looking man was so intimidating and uncomfortable at all. Even if he is really handsome.

Qin Tianyue raised his lips and smiled, and his eyes fell on one of the girls who had just said to cooperate, "Just now you said you saw the two and one girl go away?"

The girl nodded quickly, thought about it, and said, "Yes, yes, I saw it with my own eyes, because I usually eat grilled fish at their house, so I know the two of them, and I saw them and a girl wearing a mask with my own eyes. left."

Qin Tianyue's eyes darkened slightly, and Mo Yi's phoenix eyes deepened beside her.

The girl wearing a mask? What is she going to do?


Qin Tianyue thanked the girl who was talking. The girl waved her hand quickly, blushing her cheeks, and was a little excited when she was thanked by such a beautiful girl.

"Let's go back!"

Mo Yishen took Qin Tianyue's hand and walked forward. Qin Tianyue stopped looking at the T-shaped intersection on the left.

The girl wearing the mask was inexplicably familiar to her, and she seemed to see the fire from the blurry picture just now?

Is she ‘she’?

Qin Tianyue's expression suddenly made waves.

She tilted her head to look at Mo Yishen beside her, and said in a low voice, "I want to see it."

Mo Yishen frowned, "Don't go, we shouldn't intervene in this matter anymore."

Obviously the girl with the supernatural powers has already stepped in, and they shouldn't get involved anymore.

"No, I didn't do it for those two people, that girl... I might know it!"

Qin Tianyue said in a deep voice, his eyes were a little deep, as if thinking of something, his eyes were slightly ruddy.

The knowledge in her mouth is indeed not false, but true.

The girl she knew was Tang Wei, the girl who was with her in the mystery research institute. Tang Wei was an orphan since she was a child and grew up in an orphanage. When she was not caught, she lived with a friend.

Because of reasons different from ordinary people, Tang Wei has always been relatively introverted, and only friends are the people he contacts, and only friends he trusts.

She didn't know that it was because she trusted her friends, but she was betrayed by her friends who grew up with her.

Tang Wei came two or three years earlier than her. Tang Wei I saw at that time was already very thin.

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