Rebirth Space: Ace Spicy Wife, Don’t Get Angry

Chapter 1140: Don’t you allow me to take her away (pop 74)

Here comes, is it finally here? The man who killed his father in his previous life, the head of this ghost research institute.

All of a sudden, Qin Tianyue's breath became more and more messy, and the breath radiating from all over his body made people almost unable to breathe.

Her eyes were reddening, and her eyes were filled with hatred.

She hates Sangqiu, but she can deal with them slowly, but this man can't because he killed his father with his own hands. Even if he is reborn in this life and his father is still there, she still can't forgive him.

Reborn for so long, she wanted to kill for the first time, and wanted to kill a person with her own hands.

"Little girl, this is not something you can break in at will."

The vice-president said in a deep voice, with a hypocritical appearance, seeming to persuade Qin Tianyue with kind words.

Qin Tianyue coldly curled her lips, desperately to calm herself down, fearing that she would not be able to control herself.

Sang Qiu and the others sold themselves, and she could retaliate slowly, but this person couldn't. He killed his father with his own hands, which was more serious than killing himself, and she absolutely couldn't let it go.

She was afraid that the self-sustainment that she had practiced for so long would collapse, so she endured it, and kept telling herself in her heart that she must endure, and she must endure.

"Caught my friend in a place like this, don't you allow me to take her away?"

Qin Tianyue said coldly, Tang Wei on the side also looked at this group of people coldly. These people are not good people at all, and it is not a good place to look at this kind of place. She has seen it just now, but she has several pinholes on her arm. What on earth did they arrest her for?

The deputy dean's complexion changed slightly, and he glanced at Tang Wei who was standing aside. He knew Tang Wei. During this time, Professor Ming once told him about this girl, saying that he had accidentally discovered another supernatural power. By.

What they study is the physique of these supernatural beings, why they are different from people, and where they are different. Perhaps after success, many people will become supernatural beings in the future, and he will also become the object of worship by countless people.

This girl was only arrested today, and she was brought back by Professor Ming himself.

This girl seemed to be sold by a friend. Since it was bought by their research institute, it is their person. How could she take it away.

"She is from our research institute, not what you want to take away."

The deputy dean said in a cold voice, and Professor Ming on the side stepped forward, "We bought Tang Wei for half a million. You can't take it away."

Tang Wei clenched her fists, her face was fierce, half a million? She was sold for half a million by Yang Yang?

"When have I been from your research institute?"

Tang Wei stepped forward, her slender figure exuding an icy breath.

Professor Ming chuckled coldly, "You have collected 500,000 yuan from us, haven't you?"

"That woman took it, you should go find her, I have nothing to do with you."

Tang Wei is no longer willing to say Yang Yang's name, but only wants to say that woman. From today on, she will no longer have any relationship with Yang Yang, and she will cut her righteously from then on.

Professor Ming snorted coldly, "That can't be done by you, you have already collected the money, I only recognize people."


With loud applause, Qin Tianyue clapped and laughed mockingly, "This is the first time I have seen such a shameless person. Don't you think you are a group of wolves in sheep's clothing?"

Everyone looked ugly, especially the vice-president and Professor Ming. They were the objects of countless people's admiration. It is really hateful to be called a wolf in sheep's clothing by a young girl.

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