Rebirth Space: Ace Spicy Wife, Don’t Get Angry

Chapter 1141: Isn’t it you who dare not meet people? (75 more)

"I thought about letting you go, but it seems unnecessary now."

The vice president smiled coldly, and Qin Tianyue couldn't help laughing out, "Let me go? Since I entered here, is it possible to let me go? Who are you, don't I know?"

No one knows better than her the despicable shame of this group of people. For their so-called scientific research, countless people can be sacrificed. None of the people studied by them has died. This group of people, dressed in humanitarian skin, is doing the best. Vicious things.

They deserve to die!

The deputy chief looked very ugly, staring at Qin Tianyue as if he couldn't wait to burn her to ashes, "shhind and dare not see anyone, right?"

He wanted to look at the face of this woman behind the mask, and he dared to break into the research institute alone. This was looking for death.

"Dare to see people?"

Qin Tianyue coldly curled her lips, "Isn't it you who dare not see people?"

This group of people has been hiding here, studying things that shouldn't be studied, but they have always felt that they are the most powerful people in the world.


The deputy dean looked at Qin Tianyue coldly, "Since you are toasting and not eating fine wine, please stay here together."

If you dare to come here alone, don't blame them for being polite. She will definitely not go out. If they go out, their affairs will be exposed. At this time, she must not be exposed. You must succeed in order to be known.

The vice president winked at a dozen security guards, and a dozen of them nodded together, tightened the anesthesia guns in their hands, and raised them at Qin Tianyue and Tang Wei.

Seeing that they really wanted to do something, Tang Wei grabbed Qin Tianyue's hand and pulled her behind her, "I'll deal with them."

She has supernatural powers in her body and can also use martial arts. It should be relatively easy to deal with these people.

The reason why they were arrested was because there was no defense and was arrested in a coma.

Waking up now, is she still afraid of those?

Tang Wei moved her right hand slightly, but the familiar flame did not appear. She looked at her right hand in shock, and let it go after squeezing it. After releasing it, she squeezed it, and there was still no movement.

"how so?"

What about her ability? Why can't it be used?

Qin Tianyue grabbed Tang Wei's hand and looked at Tang Wei with beautiful eyes, "Don't bother."

Since she hadn't even entered here, she had guessed that Tang Wei must have been injected with a potion. The potion was to restrain the ability in the body of the supernatural person and let it quietly stay in their bodies.

When she died in the previous life, the reason why her ability was not suppressed was because at that time her ability was too strong to be suppressed. Even if it was suppressed, the time would be very short, so they replaced the glass room with the most. The hardest thing to break through was eventually shattered by her.

During that time, because of hatred, the abilities in her body increased, which they did not expect.

Tang Wei looked at Qin Tianyue dejectedly, the supernatural power she hated the most. At this moment, she wished to have it, but why not.

"Yes, don't waste your effort."

Professor Ming smiled triumphantly. This medicine that restrains the ability in the body of the supernatural beings was developed by him. As long as these people have caught this medicine, they don't even want to use the medicine in the body.

"Catch it, don't waste your effort."

The deputy dean said in a cold voice, Professor Ming nodded towards several security guards, and they nodded together. The anesthesia gun in his hand shot a small needle.

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