Rebirth Space: Ace Spicy Wife, Don’t Get Angry

Chapter 1166: I want to see who dares to catch this bird (20 more)

The Yun family is not something she can enter at will. If she wants to save the small fire, she can only call Shen Wenwen and ask her to call Yun Yao to try.

Qin Tianyue immediately called Shen Wenwen and told her about the situation. Without a word, Shen Wenwen immediately prepared to meet Qin Tianyue at Yun's house.

More than ten minutes later, Qin Tianyue's car stopped at the gate of Yun's house and looked at the mansion in front of him.

It is worthy of being the Yun family headed by the five giants. It occupies a large area, and you can see the wealth of the Yun family from the outside.

Not long after Qin Tianyue arrived, Shen Wenwen's car arrived. Seeing Qin Tianyue, Shen Wenwen immediately ran forward and hugged Qin Tianyue, "Tianyue, I haven't seen you these few days, and thought you ignored me?"

"How could it happen? I went to another place because of something in the past few days, so I didn't contact you much."

Qin Tianyue smiled lightly, Shen Wenwen let go of Qin Tianyue, only then remembered the purpose of this, "I have notified that guy Yun Yao, but that guy is not at home, he should be able to go home soon."

Just as Qin Tianyue was about to nod his head, Yun Yao's car had come from not far away and stopped in front of the two of them.

Yun Yao's tall figure quickly got off the car and saw Qin Tianyue standing beside him, with joy on his face.

"What the **** happened?"

Yun Yao walked to Qin Tianyue Shen Wenwen and asked eagerly. Shen Wenwen did not say anything carefully on the phone, saying that it was like Qin Tianyue's bird had been caught and caught by their Yun family.

"Ask so much what we are doing, and quickly take us in. If something happens to Tianyue's bird, I can't spare you."

Shen Wenwen stared at Yun Yao, with so much nonsense, if something really happened, let's see what Yun Yao would do.

"My bird is called Xiaohuo. It likes to come out and play around recently. It has been out for a long time today and never went home. I calculated it, it seems that something has happened, and that's why it troubles you."

Qin Tianyue said half-truth and half-truth, of course Xiao Huo and her telepathy would not be told, only that something happened to Xiao Huo.

"Is it a black bird?"

Yun Yao thought for a long time, if a bird really flew into their Yun family, there would only be the mysterious black bird.

He often flew into his brother's study, flying back and forth intact, which surprised him.

His brother never liked small animals, especially the ones that didn't look very good. This little bird was a little bit magical. He went in and out so many times, and nothing happened yet.

It is precisely because of this that he will remember this little bird.

Unexpectedly, this little bird is actually Qin Tianyue's. Is this a kind of fate?


Qin Tianyue nodded, and Yun Yao pursed his lips, "Come in with me, this bird does fly to our Yun's house often, I want to see who dares to catch this bird."

This bird has been flying into the study room of eldest brother Yun Jingxing to accompany him during this period. Who is so bold to catch this bird at will?

By the way, it seems that the eldest brother is going out today, and I don’t know where he went. Maybe it’s because the eldest brother is gone that someone is so bold and dare to catch that bird.

"Tianyue, let's go in!"

Shen Wenwen took Qin Tianyue's hand, Qin Tianyue nodded, and the three of them walked into the Yun family mansion.

Along the way, many servants respectfully shouted at Yun Yaoshen, "Second Young Master, Second Miss Shen."

Yun Yao didn't speak, and strode towards the villa.

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