Rebirth Space: Ace Spicy Wife, Don’t Get Angry

Chapter 1167: Do you know that he took it (one more)

"Who caught that bird?"

Yun Yao's sharp gaze fell on the row of bodyguards in front of him, and when he returned home, he asked all the servants' bodyguards to gather together and asked sternly.

The bodyguard of the Yun family glanced at me, I glanced at you, bowed his head silently.

Qin Tianyue stood behind Yun Yao, looking at these people with a cold expression.

"The small fire is in the back garden."

Not willing to waste any more time, Qin Tianyue said solemnly to Yun Yao.

Yun Yao looked back at Qin Tianyue and nodded, "Then I will take you to the back garden immediately."

This was the first time he saw Qin Tianyue's fortune-telling skills. He didn't expect to be so powerful. Not only did he know that the little guy had an accident, but he also knew that he was caught in the back garden.

"Then let's go quickly, don't let anyone hurt."

Shen Wenwen had never seen Xiao Huo, she guessed it must be a very cute little guy, because it was raised by Qin Tianyue, so the little pet must be very cute.

Yun Yao took the lead and walked towards the back garden of the Yun family. Shen Wenwen hurriedly pulled Qin Tianyue to follow. When he passed the bodyguards of the Yun family, Qin Tianyue's eyes fell on one of the tall bodyguards, and the person still had shock in his eyes. Believe it, it must be impossible to believe that Qin Tianyue actually knew that the bird was in the back garden.

The tall bodyguard met Qin Tianyue's gaze, his back was cold, and his head was immediately lowered, not daring to look directly at Qin Tianyue's gaze.

This girl looked less than 20 years old, she was exquisite and beautiful, and she looked as weak as an ordinary lady. She didn't expect to have such a fierce and powerful aura, and she was not weaker than Yun.

He hadn't even seen which girl she was in Beijing.

Among so many people, she only looked at him, her eyes cold as ice, could it be because she knew he took it?

No, how is it possible?

Don't dare to think more, because the more I think about it, my heart gets more and more hairy.

Yun Yao took Shen Wen Qin Tianyue towards the back garden of the Yun family. The back garden of the Yun family was very large. After walking along the warm stone road for a long time, no one or bird was seen.

Qin Tianyue walked behind Yun Yao, making contact with Xiaohuo in his heart.

She darkened her eyes slightly, and a picture flashed in her mind. At a white table, a delicate and beautiful woman was sitting elegantly, her eyes faintly watching the small fire in the cage in front of her. There were a few plates of food, which seemed to be for Xiao Huo to eat. He didn't know that Xiao Huo didn't save face at all. He turned his head and didn't even glance at the woman in front of him, humming unhappily.

When the picture disappeared, Qin Tianyue's eyes flashed. If she read it correctly, the woman in the picture is Yun Zhixi, the eldest of the Yun family.

It was Yun Zhixi who caught the small fire!

"Yun Yao, what is your family doing so big? Where should you go now?"

Shen Wenwen complained dissatisfied, his eyes fell on the fork in the garden before and after his eyes.

Yun Yao glanced at the forked roads in front of him. On the left is a small lake leading to the Yun family, where there is a golf course, the road in the middle leads to the Yun family recreation area, and on the right is a place to hang out and rest in the back garden of the Yun family. For a while he didn't know which way to go.

"I do not know either!"

Yun Yao looked back at Qin Tianyue, and Qin Tianyue stepped forward to the right, speeding up.

The warmth of Yun Yaochen who followed Qin Tianyue was almost always a trot to catch up with Qin Tianyue.

Qin Tianyue's speed was getting faster and faster. In the end, Yun Yaochen warmth almost lost her sight.

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