Rebirth Space: Ace Spicy Wife, Don’t Get Angry

Chapter 1221: Who are you, she shouldn't exist anymore (five shifts)

This Sang Qiu killed him, and if something happened to him, he would definitely not let the **** Sang Qiu go.

Mr. Mi's hand was about to grab the door handle of the door of the outside room. The door was suddenly kicked open from the outside. The whole door fell to the ground with a slap. Mr. Mi fell to the ground and almost knocked over the door. Can't move when pressed to the ground.

He raised his head in horror and looked outside. Two tall men walked in from the outside. On the left was a elegant man in a tall suit wearing gold-framed glasses, and on the right was a man in leather clothes with a sharp and cold face.

The two looked at Mr. Mi who fell on the ground and looked at him coldly.

They stepped back, and behind them a tall and slender man walked in from the outside. His face was as beautiful as a god, with sharp edges and corners. The long and narrow phoenix eyes did not have the slightest temperature. They were indifferent and cold, and he exuded the bloodthirsty breath of yin bird. .

Even Mr. Mi, who has been in shopping malls for many years, can't help being shocked by him.

This man is so terrible, he is like a devil from hell, even if he doesn't meet his eyes, he will tremble the moment he sees him.

"Who are you... this is my room!"

Mi Zongqiang resisted the discomfort and got up from the ground, and said coldly.

What about his people? With so many people coming in, why didn't his people stop him?

Mo Yan pushed his glasses and laughed mockingly, "Don't look, your people are all arrested now."

Just that group of rubbish, daring to be so rampant, and thinking of stopping them, all his people have long been caught, not letting them go.

Mi's complexion changed drastically, what is the origin of this group of people?

His gaze fell on the man headed, and the more he looked at it, the more familiar he became, and he didn't know where he had seen it.

He tried hard to think back, why can't he remember where he saw the leading man?

"You must have misunderstood. I haven't done anything in my room. You must have found the wrong person?"

Mi clenched his fist to suppress the fear that surged in his heart.

"Mo Yishen!"

Qin Tianyue walked out of the room, saw Mo Yishen standing in the living room, strode forward, and the corners of his lips raised slightly.

Mo Yishen strode towards Qin Tianyue, hugged her tightly, locked her with his narrow phoenix eyes, "Are you naughty again?!"

"No, it's really not me this time!"

Qin Tianyue raised his hand innocently, "Besides, I really told you this time, didn't I?"

Mo Yi's dark eyes were gloomy, and he squeezed Qin Tianyue's hand, "You know she will set this kind of trap, but you dare to step in by yourself, do you think I should punish you?"

"Mo Yishen!"

Qin Tianyue yelled Mo Yishen, "I know she set a trap, and I know she will not succeed, that's why."

"She shouldn't exist anymore!"

Mo Yishen's voice was dangerously cold, and the bloodthirsty light flashed under his eyes.

Qin Tianyue wouldn't let him deal with Sang Qiu, he had never intervened, and now Sang Qiu became more and more intolerant, he felt that he shouldn't let her go.

Knowing what he was going to do, Qin Tianyue quickly grabbed Mo Yishen's hand, "You promised me!"

This is the grudge between her and Sang Qiu, not only in this life, but also in the previous life. She can indeed deal with Sang Qiu immediately. The reason why she didn't was because she wanted to attack Sang Qiu step by step, defeat her all, and let her stay open. Watching what I have worked so hard to lose in front of her.

"Mo Yishen, I can let you intervene in other things, can I just leave it to me?"

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