Rebirth Space: Ace Spicy Wife, Don’t Get Angry

Chapter 1222: This woman is actually the wife of Lord Mo (six shifts)

Qin Tianyue looked at Mo Yishen in her beautiful eyes, with pleading eyes. She knew that Mo Yishen's ability was very great, and she didn't know how much he was able to deal with. The person he had to deal with had never been unable to deal with it.

In his heart, people like Sang Qiu are ants, and it is easy to pinch her to death.

Mo Yi's deep phoenix eyes locked Qin Tianyue's face, his hands held her tightly, "...good!"

He never refused what she asked. He didn't know why she was so determined to solve it by herself. As long as she wanted, he could take a step back, but he would never allow her to have an accident.

"Master Mo!"

Mo Wu Mo Liu nodded respectfully towards Mo, briefly talking about what had just happened.

Mo glanced at Mi Zong who was trembling in the living room with a deep gloomy look.

Mr. Mi looked at Shang Mo's deep gaze, and only felt that his whole body was soft. What did he hear just now? He heard the two people in the room calling the man in front of him called Lord Mo? !

Lord Mo? ! Is it that one?

No, how could this man be that one?

During this period of time, he worked hard to make his people want to climb into the Mo Group in order to get a relationship with the Mo Group.

After so long, his people have hardly gained much. He has been angry but helpless. Although he is not from the capital, he knows the position of Mo Yishen in the capital. He is a big man who dare not offend, even the five giants. The head of the family did not dare to offend easily.

Even he didn't dare to offend him. Almost all his power was in Country M, and there were no people in the capital. If he offended that man here, would he still have a way to survive?

"You are... Lord Mo?!"

Mr. Mi said in horror, the originally arrogant and arrogant face was pale with no trace of blood at this time.

Mo Yan Mo Xiao glanced at President Mi coldly, and they had found out the identity of this man just now.

The president of the Mi Group of Country M, but just a man with power in Country M dare to be so rampant?

Who is not good for fancy, must fancy madam? What is this not looking for death?

And that Mrs. Su's family is really looking for death!

If it weren't for the wife's refusal to let Lord Mo deal with it, Sang Qiu would have only scum left.

"Mr. Mi only knows our Lord Mo now?!"

Mo Yan stepped forward and pushed his own frame, smiled faintly, his smile didn't reach the bottom of his eyes.

President Mi's expression changed drastically, and he was admitted. He felt weak. If he hadn't been holding on to the sofa beside him, he would have fallen to the ground.

He glanced at Mo Yishen, then looked at Mo Yishen and held Qin Tianyue's hand.

This woman is actually the wife of Lord Mo?

Damn, damn, what did he do?

"Master Mo is a misunderstanding, everything is a misunderstanding, I don't know that Miss Qin is your wife, if I knew it would definitely not be like this?"

President Mi approached Mo Yishen, wanting to apologize.

Now he can't even care that he is the president of the Mi Group, and he just wants to apologize immediately.

He has not come into contact with Mo Yishen. Many people who have come into contact with him have said to him that Mo Yishen is a devil at all. He has no humanity. Once anyone provokes him, he will never think about getting better.

He has some power in Country M. Now this is the capital city, which is beyond the reach of his influence. As long as there is Mo Yishen, he can't reach in, so he will find a way to get involved with the Mo group.

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