Rebirth Space: Ace Spicy Wife, Don’t Get Angry

Chapter 1275: The daughter who was underestimated by her (six shifts)

Sang Qiu kept his face calm, and did not answer Su Anxin's words as before.

What did you say to Su Zhengyang? During this period of time, Su Zhengyang hadn't been back home several times, even if he returned to the room, he just changed his clothes, and had little to say to her.

"Go back to your room!"

Sang Qiu picked up the cold tea in front of him and drank it. It seemed that the only way to extinguish the anger in her heart.

Why didn't she want to go out? She knew exactly what happened that day, and it was because of this that she fell ill in bed.

She has asked people to calm down the message. Fortunately, many people don't know the truth. They just think that she has offended a big person and don't know what she did.

Qin Tianyue, the daughter she looked down upon!

Seeing Sang Qiu's displeasure, Su An, who had been acting like a baby, didn't dare to say a word that was wronged.

The events of that day left a lot of shadows in her heart. I don't know how many baths she took, and finally felt that she was not so sick. If she was violated by that Mi, she wouldn't want to live anymore.

All this is because of Qin Tianyue! She wants to count all the accounts on Qin Tianyue.

Footsteps sounded from outside the room, Su Anxin heard the familiar footsteps, and the whole person jumped from the position, a little scared.

Sang Qiu raised his eyes slightly when he heard the footsteps.

The door was opened from the outside, and Su Zhengyang's tall figure walked in. After seeing Su Anxin, he frowned slightly, "Anxin, didn't you let you stay in the room?"

During this period of time, Su Zhengyang kept Su Anxin in the room to reflect. If he didn't know what he had done wrong, he would not be allowed to leave the room.

"I'll go back soon!"

Not daring to stay any longer, Su Anxin hurried back to her room. From that day after Su Zhengyang slapped her, she didn't have a good face to her. Su Anxin was a little afraid that Su Zhengyang would be angry again, so she didn't dare to stay any longer.

Su Zhengyang walked toward the room with a calm face, Sang Qiu got up from his position and raised a gentle smile, "Zhengyang, are you back?"

Su Zhengyang gave a low hmm, his eyes fell on Sang Qiu's haggard face, his expression moved slightly, "Is your health better?"

"much better!"

Sang Qiu is a smart woman, she can't make a temper with Su Zhengyang, because Su Zhengyang always has the final say in this family.

Even if it is no longer uncomfortable, she has to hide it.

Su Zhengyang no longer looked towards Sang Qiu as he walked towards the cloakroom, he needed to change his clothes.

Seeing Su Zhengyang's indifference toward him, Sang Qiu's expression sank slightly. Since that day, their husband and wife have entered a state of cold war, and Su Zhengyang hardly said a word to him.

To reconcile with Su Zhengyang, she can only rely on her initiative.

Sang Qiu walked in the direction of the cloakroom, and when Su Zhengyang was about to untie his clothes, he took the initiative to step forward, "Let me help you!"

"No, you are not feeling well, take a good rest, I will do it myself!"

Su Zhengyang grabbed Sang Qiu's hand, waved it lightly, turned his back to Sang Qiu, took a piece of clothing and changed it on.

Sang Qiu stood on the spot with a gloomy face, and the hand that Su Zhengyang waved had a fiery pain.

This is the first time Su Zhengyang waved her hand away!

"Zhengyang, are you still blaming me?"

Sang Qiu clenched his fists, his well-maintained face was covered with gloom, and said in an aggrieved voice behind Su Zhengyang.

Her voice was very soft and charming, and at the moment Su Zhengyang turned around, her eyes were slightly moist and tearful, and her delicate face was pale and weak.

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