Rebirth Space: Ace Spicy Wife, Don’t Get Angry

Chapter 1276: Let her kneel on the ground and beg her (seven more)

Seeing such Sang Qiu, Su Zhengyang's cold heart softened a lot, and his eyes were distressed, "What nonsense, how could I blame you? It's just that I've been too busy recently and ignored you! Waiting for this time , I'll take you out for a trip!"

Su Zhengyang stretched out his hand to hug Sang Qiu in his arms, softly comforting.

Sang Qiu, who was leaning in Su Zhengyang's arms, only felt as if she had smelled a scent that seemed like nothing. When she wanted to smell it again, she didn't notice the slightest.

Su Zhengyang pushed Sang Qiu away and took her out of the cloakroom, "Get a good rest. I'll go to work first and come back to eat together in the evening."

Sangqiu nodded softly, "Go ahead, I will let the chef prepare what you like to eat in the evening."


Su Zhengyang nodded, glanced at the time, said a few more words with Sang Qiu, and walked out of the room.

After Su Zhengyang left, Sang Qiu's heart beat up and down fiercely.

She seemed to smell the scent of Su Zhengyang just now, wondering if it was her illusion?

Sang Qiu took out his cell phone and dialed a call, and the call was quickly picked up, "Madam!"

"Has President Su come into contact with any woman during this time?"

Sang Qiu asked with a stern face, and the person on the other end of the phone paused for a second and then replied firmly, "Mr. Su has been in the company for this period of time and has not touched any women!"

Sang Qiu finally hung up the phone with satisfaction, and slightly squeezed the phone in front of him.

Ye Qin walked in at this moment, holding a gilded invitation in her hand.

Seeing Sang Qiu’s gloomy expression, Ye Qin stood at the door with some fear and hesitation. So many things have happened during this period. As long as Su Zhengyang is not at home, Sang Qiu will return to the horrible appearance of the past, making her not to face it. If you don't mention a heart, you are afraid of angering Sangqiu.

"What are you doing standing at the door?"

Sang Qiu tilted his head to look at Ye Qin, his tone cold.

Ye Qin hurriedly walked in, without daring to delay, and handed over the invitation in his hand respectfully, "It's the invitation from the Shen family!"

Sang Qiu took the invitation, coldly curled his lips, opened the invitation and glanced indifferently.

"Shen Family Charity Dinner!"

Sang Qiu spoke in a cold voice, with a deep chill on that delicate face, and the invitation in her hand was almost crumpled into a ball.

After the kidnapping of Shen Wenwen and Su Anxin, the relationship between the Shen family and the Su family was quite estranged. However, in front of outsiders, the two families were still as if nothing had happened. Even if the Shen family was unwilling to invite the Su family, they had to do it. Superficial.

"Madam, if you don't want to go, I will immediately..."

Ye Qin whispered, and Sang Qiu looked at her coldly, "Why not?"

If she doesn't go, I don't know how much gossip she will cause!

This time, she must make everyone look at her with admiration. She didn't want to hear those gossips again.

"Yes, I understand!"

Ye Qin lowered his head and said nothing.

Sang Qiu closed his eyes for a moment in deep thought, then slowly opened his eyes, "Tell the kitchen to prepare a few dishes that the master likes to eat tonight!"

Ye Qin was overjoyed, smiled and nodded quickly, "I know Madam! Then I'll go down Madam first!"

Sang Qiu didn't speak, Ye Qin quickly left the room and closed the door.

Sang Qiu's gaze fell in the mirror on the side. In the mirror, her delicate face was pale and haggard, which was a far cry from her usual elegance and gorgeousness.

All this is thanks to her good daughter Qin Tianyue!

Okay, great! One day, she will let her kneel on the ground and beg her!

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