Rebirth Space: Ace Spicy Wife, Don’t Get Angry

Chapter 1280: Will we be together (three shifts)

Now she inexplicably offends a person whom no one dares to provoke, and no one can find the reason why she offends.

If it hadn't been known that Lord Mo and Qin Tianyue were together, she wouldn't have guessed.

In fact, Sang Qiu did not offend Master Mo at all, but offended the person holding him in the palm of his hand. It is precisely because of this that Master Mo personally went to Mingya Club and ordered the people to seal Mingya Club and dealt with Sang. Qiu's mother and daughter are simply delightful.

The mother and daughter who committed evil don’t know the real situation now. If they know how much they will regret it, they will regret it in the future. I hope that after this incident, they will not die again, otherwise they will not know how they died in the end. .


Qin Tianyue nodded again, it is true that Mo Yishen did it for her to deal with Sang Qiu's mother and daughter.

"Master Mo is so handsome!"

For a while, Shen Wenwen felt that someone like Mo Yishen was so great, that such a man was really hard to come by.

"It would be great if I met a man who treated me like this in the future."

Shen Wenwen pursed his mouth with expectation in his eyes, Qin Tianyue looked at her with a smile, and the corner of his lips twitched slightly, "Don't you have one in front of you?"

Shen Wenwen was taken aback, "Where is there by my side?"

Why doesn't she know that there is one by her side?

Someone's figure suddenly flashed in his mind, Shen Wenwen shook his head, he didn't like her.

Qin Tianyue smiled and held Shen Wenwen's hand, "Nuannuan, if you like someone, you should let go of your heart. Maybe you are the most suitable person."

Shen Wenwen looked at Qin Tianyue, his cheeks flushed, "What you said...Are you talking about him?"

"Um... did you count it? Will we be together?"

Shen Warm looked at Qin Tianyue baffledly. After returning from that day, she had suffered insomnia for several days and kept thinking about her relationship with Yun Yao and how she felt about Yun Yao.

Later she learned that she was actually tempted by Yun Yao, but she didn't know when she was tempted, but she knew that she would be a little dull when he saw him like others.

In her heart, she doesn't want to see that he likes others, but she wants him to be happy, even if one is her friend and the other is the one she likes.

If it weren't for Qin Tianyue to expose today, she might still want to hide this love in the deepest part of her heart.

"I won't tell you, everything depends on yourself!"

Qin Tianyue said in a low voice, Shen Wenwen's eyes were firm, "I know!"

No matter what, even if they won't be together in the future, she has to give it a try, at least worthy of herself.

"Second Miss, Young Master Yun Er is here!"

A servant spoke respectfully outside in a low voice, Shen Wenwen was taken aback, and then a little nervous, "What should I do? He is here?"

She did call Yun Yao and asked him to come earlier, otherwise she would be bored to death at Yun's house alone.

It was okay not to explain to Qin Tianyue, once she explained, she actually felt a little nervous facing Yun Yao.

"Relax and warm up, as usual!"

Qin Tianyue immediately cheered Shen Wenwen, and Shen Wenwen took a deep breath and nodded, "Then...then let's go down together!"

"I don't want to be a light bulb, go down, I'll be alone!"

Qin Tianyue blinked at Shen Wenwen, his cheeks flushed slightly, and he said in a low voice, "Then I will go down first, and will come down again later!"

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