Rebirth Space: Ace Spicy Wife, Don’t Get Angry

Chapter 1281: There is movement in the space (four more)

"Know it!"

Qin Tianyue pushed Shen Wenwen, Shen Wenwen looked back at Qin Tianyue, and walked outside.

After Shen Wenwen left, Qin Tianyue stayed in Shen Wenwen's room for a long time. The phone in her pocket rang. She took out the phone and glanced at the caller ID, with a gentle smile on her lips.


"Are you at Shen's house?!"

A deep magnetic voice sounded, and Mo Yishen on the other end of the phone was standing in front of the office, looking at the scenery outside the window, and there was a hot stamping invitation in his hand, which was sent by the Shen family himself.

Although Mo Yishen has never participated in high-class banquets for so many years, every family has never dared not to send him invitations, even if they know that he will not come, they will personally deliver them to the door.

"Yeah! I'm at Shen's house!"

Qin Tianyue nodded, "You haven't got off work yet?"

Glancing at the time on the wall of Shen Wenwen's room, it was already a quarter past five in the afternoon.

"Quick! Wait for me there!"

Mo Yishen finished speaking and hung up.

Qin Tianyue glanced at the phone and was taken aback for a moment. He is coming to the banquet? Didn’t it mean that he never attended any banquets? If he comes, what kind of sensation will it cause?

I want to make a call to Mo Yishen.

Putting the phone away, Qin Tianyue's mind suddenly moved slightly.

Xiao Huo, who was teasing Xiao Ke in the space, looked back at the wooden house, "Tian Yue!"

"Little fire, the space seems..."

She couldn't say anything. After listening to the movement outside, Qin Tianyue disappeared into the room.

Entering the space, the small fire immediately flew in front of Qin Tianyue, "There seems to be movement in the wooden house!"

"I know!"

Qin Tianyue nodded. She is the lord of the lotus world, and she knows everything in the lotus world clearly. She had originally put her mobile phone on and was about to go out, and she suddenly felt the movement in the space.

Not only the movement in the space, she seemed to feel a strange force outside, echoing the movement in the space, and there seemed to be some connection between the two things!

Xiao Huo flew mid-air towards the wooden house, and Xiao Ke jumped in the direction of the wooden house.

Qin Tianyue also walked in the direction of the wooden house.

Entering the sleeping room in the wooden house, Qin Tianyue walked towards the wooden frame in the room.

At this time, a black brocade box on the right side of the wooden frame had a faint light shot from the brocade box. The small fire stopped in front of the brocade box and glanced at the black brocade box. After all the movement, why is there a strange power radiating from the brocade box today."

That kind of power is very strange, unspeakable strange, it can only feel that it is a very powerful power, but it does not know what it is?

Xiao Huo could feel it, and Qin Tianyue could also feel it.

If she remembered correctly, the brocade box contained the lusterless bead from the tomb of Emperor Ying.

At that time, she also thought this bead was a little strange, so she took it out. It has been here for quite a while. It has always been quiet, but today it seems to have sensed something.

Standing in front of the wooden frame, Qin Tianyue opened the black brocade box, and a faint white light radiated from the brocade box, brightening the entire room.

"So comfortable!"

The small fire stopped on Qin Tianyue's shoulders, closed his eyes and sighed, being illuminated by the light from the beads, he felt a very comfortable feeling.

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