Rebirth Space: Ace Spicy Wife, Don’t Get Angry

Chapter 1300: That man is miserable, Qin Tianyue, right (seven more)

Why did her gaze never look at herself, but fell on Mo Yishen's body, could it be because of his identity?

Is she the same as those women? No, she is not such a person, surely she is not?

The distress was terrible, Lu Jingyi couldn't help covering his chest, feeling that he could hardly breathe!

The host's vocal fifty million made the whole charity dinner quiet again.

Mo Yishen raised his head, and a few seconds after his phoenix eyes fell on Qin Tianyue's body, his eyes were tender and petting.

Beyond Qin Tianyue, Mo Yishen's eyes finally fell on Su Zhengyang's table.

Su Zhengyang wanted to raise a smile, but found that he couldn't even move at all.

Mo Yishen's eyes were obviously very pale, but he was shocked and immobile, the president of the Su Group.

Su Zhengyang couldn't move under Mo Yishen's momentum, let alone Sangqiu's mother and daughter.

Su Annan lowered his head and did not dare to raise his head. The man was so scary, as if they had offended him. There was no wave in his eyes, but he couldn't look directly at him.

Sang Qiu put down her hands with difficulty, and her hands trembled slightly when they landed on her legs. She didn't know whether Mo Yishen's mouth was intentional. Is she still thinking about that matter?

Su Zhengyang glared at Sang Qiu fiercely, not understanding what she was joining in, and now he attracted deep attention.

For so many years, what Sang Qiu did in public, he would not deny her face, even if what she did made him a little dissatisfied, just now she raised the placard, his heart is uncomfortable, and he has already donated 5 million. , Now spends a few million to shoot a broken bead. Recently, the Su Group has been pushed to the edge of the knife. She still doesn't know how to converge, and it is a far cry from her gentle and elegant back then.

Su Zhengyang reluctantly smiled deeply at Mo, hoping that he would not care about them.

"Ms. Su shouldn't be more loved than me?!"

A deep and **** voice sounded, and Mo looked at Sang Qiu with a deep indifferent gaze.

As soon as Mo Yishen's words fell, many bosses glanced at each other. They were all human beings. How could they not see that Mo Yishen was targeting Sang Qiu.

It seems that the Su Group has really offended the Mo Group as rumored, and they will need to pay attention in the future.

"How come? President Mo likes to shoot!"

Sang Qiu smiled stiffly, his hands on his legs were tightly tightened, and he didn't dare to talk too much.

Mo Yi's thin lips curled, no longer looking at Sang Qiu, and when he retracted his gaze, he fell on Qin Tianyue's body again, and met her smiling eyes.

"Tian Yue, what are you laughing at?"

Shen Wenwen leaned into Qin Tianyue's ear and asked in a low voice, "Could it be that your family's Master Mo was harassing Su's family for you?"

Shen Wenwen secretly covered her lips and smiled secretly. If she didn't know that Mo Yishen and Qin Tianyue were a couple, she would definitely think that Mo Yishen was dissatisfied with the Su family because of her dissatisfaction with the Su family.

Knowing that Mo Yishen and Qin Tianyue were a pair, she knew that Mo Yishen did all this because of Qin Tianyue.

Sangqiu's mother and daughter were obviously targeting Qin Tianyue, and she didn't believe it because Lord Mo was not doing this for Qin Tianyue's emergence.

"Just you know!"

Qin Tianyue glared at Shen Wenwen, and Shen Wenwen blinked at Qin Tianyue.

Yun Yao's gaze fell on Mo Yishen, Shen Wenwen knew, and he also knew that Mo Yishen did this for Qin Tianyue's emergence, how could he allow Sangqiu's mother and daughter to bully Qin Tianyue?

That man must have been in love with Qin Tianyue!

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