Rebirth Space: Ace Spicy Wife, Don’t Get Angry

Chapter 1301: You and Mr. Mo must be the focus (eight shifts)

Yun Zhixi looked at Mo Yishen's direction obsessively. Once her gaze swept over, her heartbeat would speed up, and she couldn't help but want to look at him, but was afraid that meeting his gaze would make her see that she was obsessed and lost. appearance.

Yun Jingxing sat in his place and picked up the red wine in front of him, with a slight tick at the corner of his lips. Mo Yishen was exactly the same as his previous life, and his own person would never allow others to bully.

Mo Yishen photographed the bead for fifty million!

After the charity auction is the charity ball!

The opening dance is a dance performed by Shen Yichuan and Wei Xiao.

Then many people entered the dance floor.

Shen Wenwen dragged Qin Tianyue to the buffet and ate their meals. They ate almost nothing all night, so it's better to eat than to dance.

Shen Wenwen picked up the food and walked to the side of the sofa with Qin Tianyue and sat down. His eyes suddenly fell somewhere on the dance floor, where a slender and tall figure was talking to Old Man Shen, and Old Man Shen smiled all over his face.

"Aren't you dancing with your master Mo?"

Shen Wenn touched Qin Tianyue affectionately with his shoulder, and said ambiguously.

"I don't like dancing!"

Qin Tianyue smiled faintly and said softly, his eyes fell on a certain tall and slender figure, looking at his handsome face, talking with Old Man Shen in a low voice, Qin Tianyue's lips twitched slightly, she likes places where he is. With him, it seems that this place is much warmer.

"You and Master Mo must be the focus of everyone."

Shen Wenwen said with a pity, Qin Tianyue smiled without saying a word.

"Hey, the Su family seems to be walking in the direction of your Master Mo!"

Shen Wenwen motioned Qin Tianyue to look over quickly, and Qin Tianyue raised his head to look.

Sure enough, Su Zhengyang and Sang Qiu were walking in the direction of Mo Yishen. During this time, Su Zhengyang had been trying to see Mo Yishen, but never saw him once.

The two couples were just about to walk in front of Mo Yishen, Mo Yan did not know where he emerged from, blocking their way.

I don't know what Mo Yan said, Su Zhengyang and Sang Qiu's expressions are not pretty, but they dare not go forward, they can only turn around and leave.

A shadow blocked the sight of Shen Wenwen and Qin Tianyue.

The two looked up, Su Anxin looked at Qin Tianyue and Shen Wenwen coldly.

She unceremoniously sat on the sofa opposite Qin Tianyue, "Are you satisfied now?"

Qin Tianyue put down the fork in his hand and wiped the corners of his mouth with the tissue on the coffee table, "What did Miss Su say, why don't I understand?"


Su Anxin looked at Qin Tianyue angrily, and suddenly sneered, "Qin Tianyue, why are you embarrassed to attend the banquet? Which one of you who came here is not a wealthy and expensive family? Only you, a woman from Dehuan Mountain Village, is embarrassed to stand here, here. Everyone has donated a lot of money, how about you?"

As soon as Su Anxin’s words fell, Shen Wenwen couldn’t help laughing, and then looked at Su Anxin contemptuously, "Su Anxin, do you have any brains? Tell you the truth, Tianyue donated 10 million, you Well, do you have the ability to take out ten million by yourself?"

If Su Anxin did not provoke, Shen Wenwen would not tell Su Anxin about this matter. In fact, Qin Tianyue had donated 10 million long ago, but everyone didn't know it.

"What are you talking about? I don't believe it!"

Su An frowned fiercely and couldn't believe it, "You lie, where does she have so much money?"

Su Anxin sneered coldly, she didn't believe Shen and warm words.

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