Rebirth Space: Ace Spicy Wife, Don’t Get Angry

Chapter 1311: That bead really has a healing function (two more)

"Maybe I think that the bead really saved me, and my husband loves the bead more and more, even if it becomes gray and without the slightest luster!"

After Mrs. Shi finished speaking, she sighed, "At that time, I thought it was the bead that saved my husband. Later, my husband had another accident. I wanted to use the bead to save my husband, but it was useless! Only then did I know that maybe the husband had a leg back then. The reason why it is good may be an accident, and it is not the cause of the bead at all!"

"Actually, I am stupid. How could there be such a magical thing in this world? If there is, it will not be of no use to my husband in the second accident. If there is such a magical effect, how can it not reach us? Isn't it in your hand?"

Madam Shi smiled faintly, "Tianyue, do you think what I said is ridiculous?"

Qin Tianyue raised a beautiful smile and shook his head, "Why?!"

She has seen something more ridiculous than this, how can she think that the bead has that kind of function is ridiculous?

After hearing Mrs. Shi’s words, she actually had a bold guess. Maybe the bead really has a healing function, but when he treated Mrs. Shi’s husband, she had exhausted her energy and became dim in color. It would be of no use when Mrs. Shi’s husband had an accident the second time.

And the reason why the beads she saw in the tomb of Emperor Ying was the same. Maybe they had been treated by Emperor Ying or Qin Shiyue to heal people before they became lusterless.

There are still many unknown miracles in this world. Having seen the magic of the lotus world, she no longer feels so incredible about this mysterious bead.

It's just that she has a very strange idea, she always feels that the two beads now are not just as simple as curing diseases.

If the bead loses its luster after the treatment, why does it feel when the two beads are close to each other?

She always feels that the beads still have mysterious hidden energy, but because after the treatment, the beads have lost energy and are sleeping, so it is impossible for people to know what they are. Maybe after waking up, they will have unimaginable energy.

"I'm afraid you are the only one who believes in me!"

Madam Shi couldn't help smiling. Qin Tianyue believed what she said when she said such an incredible thing.

"Maybe my wife and I are destined!"

Qin Tianyue blinked playfully. If she said something more incredible, maybe Madam Shi would not say so.

She didn't believe in her, but believed that there were still many miracles unknown to her in this world.

"Haha, I actually feel better after speaking out, thank you Tianyue!"

Madam Shi smiled happily. Since the death of her husband, her heart has never been so happy. Thinking of seeing her daughter soon, Madam Shi's heart has become very relaxed.

"Madam, don't thank me!"

Qin Tianyue smiled lightly, her smile bright and moving.

"If I didn't make up my mind to donate the beads today, I don't know what I would miss!"

"I think this may also be what my husband meant in heaven, and he also agreed with me to donate the beads to do good deeds!"

Madam Shi smiled emotionally, looking at the dark night sky, a night without any stars, Madam Shi seemed to see a star, and that star was blinking at her, seeming to agree with her.

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