Rebirth Space: Ace Spicy Wife, Don’t Get Angry

Chapter 1312: I don’t know you very well (three shifts)

"I think so too! Maybe Mr. Shi is also looking at you in the sky, if it weren't for the bead that Mrs. donated today, we would not have met!"

Qin Tianyue raised her lips with a smile, and followed Madam Shi to look at the night sky.


Madam Shi nodded in agreement, the mobile phone in the woolen coat rang, Madam Shi gave a sorry smile.

"Madam, then I won't disturb you, it's too early, I'll go in first."

Qin Tianyue felt that it was almost the same, and it was time to go in, otherwise a certain man didn't know what to do, maybe he would be dissatisfied with her again when he went back.

"Okay, after I made the call, I went in immediately. It was really cold outside, which made you stay here with me for a while!"

Madam Shi was also a little embarrassed. She had forgotten that it was still cold outside when she spoke just now, and she actually took Qin Tianyue and said so many things.


In fact, Qin Tianyue is not so sensitive to winter cold and summer heat. Since she was upgraded to Huang Tier, her body has become less fearful of cold and heat, which is much better than ordinary people.

Madam Shi smiled slightly, "Hurry in, don't catch a cold!"

Qin Tianyue nodded, turned and left first, Madam Shi had a call to answer, so she would not disturb her.

Just a few steps out, the phone in his bag rang, Qin Tianyue took out the phone, looked at the caller ID, and slightly ticked the corner of his lips.

Sure enough, a certain man was in a hurry!

Qin Tianyue was about to answer the phone, his eyes were slightly cold when he saw not far away inadvertently.

Under a street lamp ten meters in front of Qin Tianyue, a tall figure was standing under the street lamp, with a cigarette between his slender fingers, and the scarlet cigarette **** was burning in the dark.

Lu Jingyi threw away the cigarette **** in his hand and walked towards Qin Tianyue.

Seeing Lu Jingyi, Qin Tianyue hung up the phone and sent a text message to Mo Yishen, telling him to go in immediately.

Putting her mobile phone in her jacket pocket, Qin Tianyue was about to cross Lu Jingyi into the banquet hall. She really didn’t want to see Lu Jingyi. She didn’t want to face Lu Jingyi for a moment without dealing with Sang Qiu and Su Anxin’s mother and daughter. He felt very disgusting!

Who is this affectionate look for? Do you think she will be fooled?

Although this life is a little different from the previous life, she still won't forgive Lu Jingyi.

"Are you so reluctant to see me?"

Lu Jingyi's low and uncomfortable voice sounded, and his slender arms blocked Qin Tianyue's path.

Qin Tianyue was forced to stop and looked at Lu Jingyi with cold eyes.

Lu Jingyi felt bored again at Qin Tianyue's beautiful and cold face.

It shouldn't be like this, it shouldn't be like this!

She obviously should have smiled at him brilliantly, and he couldn't tell why, he thought it should be so!

But why is there such a big gap between reality and dreams? In those dreams, she would smile at him, even if it was more vague accusations.

"Mr. Lu joked, I don't know you very well, how could I not want to see you?"

Qin Tianyue smiled lightly, as if he was really just facing a stranger, without the slightest emotional ups and downs.

Lu Jingyi looked at her indifferent appearance, and his heart ached, "No, it's not a stranger, we are all very familiar!"

Subconsciously, Lu Jingyi said this aloud!

Qin Tianyue laughed mockingly, looking at Lu Jingyi's arms still in the air, "Familiar? Mr. Lu was joking, if it's okay, can you put down your arm and let me leave?"

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