Rebirth Space: Ace Spicy Wife, Don’t Get Angry

Chapter 1316: You should go back and wash your eyes (seven more)

Her words pierced his heart like a sharp needle, breaking his heart.

"He is good? Where is he? He is cruel, he is not a good person at all, what do you think of him?"

Lu Jingyi's expression was painful, his face was very ugly, with a trace of paleness that was not easily noticeable.

He didn't know when he was tempted by her, maybe it was the first time, maybe it was the second time.

No matter what, once he is tempted, he is the one who fails, and if her heart is not handed over to him, he is the one who fails.

"He is ten thousand times better than you!"

Qin Tianyue felt that she was really crazy, and she was fine to say so much to a lunatic.

Taking a look at Lu Jingyi's right hand hanging on the right, Qin Tianyue didn't have the slightest temperature in his eyes. This hand should be regarded as her small punishment.

Her shot was enough to make Lu Jingyi's right hand useless for a while, hoping that he would not provoke her again, or don't blame her for dealing with him in advance!

Qin Tianyue's words made Lu Jingyi look ugly and ugly. He stretched out his left hand to catch Qin Tianyue. How could Qin Tianyue let him succeed this time, taking a step back.

The left hand she was caught just now is still in disgust, this person actually wants to catch her? It seems that I don't want the other hand anymore!

"Qin Tianyue!"

An angry roar sounded, Su Anxin carried the skirt of her evening gown and ran over in stride, her face full of anger.

For a while, she didn’t see Lu Jingyi's figure. She couldn’t stay, so she strode to find Lu Jingyi, hoping to find Lu Jingyi and tell him her heart for him, she couldn’t stand it, so she looked at him silently, hoping to stay. He stayed with him by his side.

It's just that she couldn't think that it was not Lu Jingyi who found Lu Jingyi, but Lu Jingyi and Qin Tianyue together. She saw Lu Jingyi stretch out her hand to grab Qin Tianyue.

Does Lu Jingyi like Qin Tianyue?

No, how can it be? How could he like Qin Tianyue? Even if you don't like her, you definitely can't like Qin Tianyue. This **** is not worthy of Jing Yi, because Jing Yi belongs to her and must be hers.

Su Anxin strode to Lu Jingyi's side, stretched out her hand to grab Lu Jingyi's hand, and stared at Qin Tianyue fiercely, "Qin Tianyue, can you seduce Jingyi brother too?"

Qin Tianyue couldn't help laughing, she seduce Lu Jingyi? Which eye of Su Anxin saw her seduce Lu Jingyi? She couldn't wait for Lu Jingyi to stay away from herself, how could she seduce him?

"Su Anxin, should you go back and wash your eyes?!"

Qin Tianyue's eyes fell on Su Anxin and Lu Jingyi, and he smiled coldly, "It's really a match made!"

A scumbag with a scumbag, and a disgusting man with a disgusting woman are really a natural match.

It is a pity that Su Anxin did not hear the irony in Qin Tianyue's words, raised his head and looked at Qin Tianyue contemptuously, "Brother Jing Yi won't like you!"

Lu Jingyi's expression was gloomy, and Su Anxin grabbed his hand and pulled it back, looking at Su Anxin indifferently.

He didn't like Su Anxin, he didn't like it very much. Especially recently, there seemed to be scenes of Su Anxin in his dreams, where he vaguely saw himself with Su Anxin again. He loathed that kind of self, and only felt that everything was incredible.

Lu Jingyi coldly withdrew his hand, Su Anxin looked at Lu Jingyi as if he was hurt, his eyes were moisturized, "Brother Jingyi!"

"An Xin, if it's okay, please leave!"

He still had a lot to say to Qin Tianyue, but he didn't want Su Anxin to step in.

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