Rebirth Space: Ace Spicy Wife, Don’t Get Angry

Chapter 1317: She is a liar (eight shifts)

Leave? Why should she leave?

Su Anxin’s expression was very ugly, and she just held Lu Jingyi’s hand, "Brother Jing Yi, I don’t want to leave. I can’t let you be deceived by this woman. She is a liar with a vicious heart. If you stay with her, you will be fooled. Deceived."

Su Anxin wanted to question Lu Jingyi loudly, but was afraid that he would be unhappy, so she could only softly and pitifully hope that Lu Jingyi could listen to her.

She didn't understand why Lu Jingyi was different to Qin Tianyue. They obviously didn't have any contact. During the two contacts she knew, Lu Jingyi didn't pay much attention to Qin Tianyue. Why is Lu Jingyi involved in Qin Tianyue today?

Could it be that Lu Jingyi was attracted to Qin Tianyue's beauty? That face is so disgusting, why can he look at it?

She Su Anxin is so good to him, why can't he see himself at a glance?

Lu Jingyi's expression sank slightly. He didn't like hearing Su Anxin insult Qin Tianyue, "An Xin!"

Hearing that Lu Jingyi's words were unhappy, Su Anxin bit her lips tightly and wanted to speak again, Qin Tianyueyin's cold and indifferent voice sounded in her ears.

"Liar? Vicious-hearted?"

Qin Tianyue smiled coldly, his eyes fell on Su Anxin, "Miss Su, you said that if Mr. Lu knew what you did, he would think I was a liar or your liar, and would he think my heart was vicious or your heart was vicious?"

Su Anxin and Sang Qiu partnered with her to calculate her, but now she is actually a liar, saying that she has a vicious heart?

How could such a shameless person exist?

Su Anxin's expression changed slightly, and her harsh voice sounded, "Qin Tianyue, shut up!"

That was the shame of her life, and it was also the last thing she wanted to mention in her life. She was not afraid that Lu Jingyi knew that she was calculating Qin Tianyue, but she was afraid that Lu Jingyi knew that she was almost humiliated when she was crushed by Mr. Mi that day.

Qin Tianyue smiled indifferently. Seeing Su Anxin's loss of control, Qin Tianyue only felt that Su Anxin was really pitiful.

Lu Jingyi pulled back his hand hard, without even looking at Su Anxin.

The arrival of Su Anxin made it impossible for him to talk with Qin Tianyue anymore.

Glancing at Qin Tianyue again, Lu Jingyi turned around and prepared to walk towards the banquet hall. Sooner or later, he must have a good conversation with her, and today's accident must never happen again.

Seeing that Lu Jingyi ignored herself, Su Anxin was really unwilling, strode forward, reached out and grabbed Lu Jingyi's unconscious hand, "Brother Jingyi, what happened to your hand?"

Lu Jingyi wanted to withdraw his hand, but he didn't have any strength. Since Qin Tianyue's hand was pierced by Qin Tianyue just now, he hadn't felt anything. Because he wanted to talk to her, he ignored it.

"Is it Qin Tianyue? Did she do it? I told you a long time ago that she is a very vicious woman. Why don't you believe it?"

Su Anxin turned her head and stared at Qin Tianyue fiercely. Qin Tianyue's eyes were cold, and those eyes made Su Anxin unable to look directly. Qin Tianyue tonight gave people a dangerous feeling.


Unwilling to listen to Su Anxin any more, Lu Jingyi sank his face and grabbed Su Anxin's hand with his other hand, "Anxin, there will be no possibility between us!"

He was how a man didn't know how Su Anxin felt about him, he knew it from the beginning, but he didn't want to pay attention to it.

Now that she repeatedly heard her insults to Qin Tianyue, Lu Jingyi couldn't listen to it anymore.

He is not a fool, how could he not see who Su Anxin is!

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