Rebirth Space: Ace Spicy Wife, Don’t Get Angry

Chapter 1318: You are lying to me, you like her (one more)

Lu Jingyi's words were like a bolt from the blue sky hitting Su Anxin's heart. She looked at Lu Jingyi in disbelief, "Brother Jingyi, what are you talking about?"

Lu Jingyi let go of Su Anxin's hand, his eyes showed no emotion, "I said, it's impossible between us, you shouldn't like me!"

Su Anxin was stiff in place, with an ugly expression and a sad look, and desperately shook his head, "No, I don't believe it, Brother Jing Yi, you obviously like me. When you were young, you said I was cute. You said I was the cutest girl. of!"

"You were really cute when you were young, but now you have changed!"

At that time, Su Anxin was just a little spoiled, she looked lovely and exquisite, how could she have the current scheming and viciousness.

Even if he wanted to like it, he would like the former Su Anxin instead of the present.

Furthermore, his love for Su Anxin is really just a little sister, and there is no love between men and women.

Su Anxin, who was said to have changed by the beloved man, almost couldn't stabilize her body.

"Brother Jing Yi, you are lying to me. It's not that I changed, but that you like Qin Tianyue, right?"

Su Anxin, who seemed to have figured it out, had a distorted expression and turned back and stared at Qin Tianyue fiercely.

"You like her, that's why you say that to me!"

Su Anxin took a step forward and looked at Lu Jingyi obsessively. She shouldn't hear Lu Jingyi say these things, don't know that Lu Jingyi likes Qin Tianyue, he obviously likes herself, why is it Qin Tianyue.

Except for that stinky skin, what Qin Tianyue is better than himself!

"Whether I like her or not, neither I nor you are possible!"

Today, Lu Jingyi must tell Su Anxin this sentence. He doesn't want Su Anxin to place a heart on him, and he doesn't want her to be obsessed with it any more, because he will not respond to her.

"No, Jing Yi brother!"

Su Anxin shook his head uncomfortably, "Brother Jing Yi, I have liked you for many years. I can do anything for you, why can't you like me a little bit!"

Su Anxin still couldn't accept this reality. In her heart, even if Lu Jingyi didn't like herself very much, he would never be so cruel. How could he reject herself like this, it was because of the woman she hated the most.

"An Xin, I really won't like you!"

Lu Jingyi said in a deep voice, no longer looking at Su Anxin.

Lu Jingyi glanced at Qin Tianyue, who was standing aside. She hadn't said a word since just now, and let Su Anxin talk to him, and he could clearly see the irony of her lips.

The pain in his heart was terrible, and a sense of discomfort permeated his heart. He felt as if he had been seen through by her, and the embarrassment all over his body appeared in front of her.

Unwilling to wait any longer, Lu Jingyi turned and strode away.

"Brother Jing Yi!"

Su Anxin looked at Lu Jingyi's back in pain.

Qin Tianyue withdrew her indifferent gaze. She should have left, but stopped when the two were arguing.

Because she thought of the previous life, this life is completely different from the previous one. In the previous life, how could Su Anxin argue with Lu Jingyi? Lu Jingyi would never say to Su Anxin that she didn't like her.

I don't know where to start to change, Lu Jingyi in this life has a good impression of her, but he doesn't care about Su Anxin.

Fortunately, Lu Jingyi didn't know that there was a previous life, if she knew that she treated him in the previous life...

Unwilling to think any more, Qin Tianyue was going to leave Su Anxin.

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