Rebirth Space: Ace Spicy Wife, Don’t Get Angry

Chapter 1319: What if I said I was a ghost (two more)

"Stop, did I let you go?"

Su Anxin wiped the tears from the corner of her eyes and stared at Qin Tianyue who had passed her and left.

It's all this woman. If she didn't show up, she wouldn't be like this now, and Lu Jingyi wouldn't dislike her.

She hates Qin Tianyue, especially hate!

Su Anxin blocked Qin Tianyue's footsteps and looked at her sullenly, "Qin Tianyue, why are you like a ghost in your shadows? Why do you want to pester Jing Yi, you are not worthy of him at all!"

Qin Tianyue's eyes looked at Su Anxin strangely, "Like a ghost?"

Su Anxin met Qin Tianyue's eyes, and her back was inexplicably cold. For some reason, she always felt that Qin Tianyue at this time really entangled her like a ghost.

Qin Tianyue's eyes were weird and unpredictable, and Su Anxin trembled inexplicably when a cold wind blew by at this time.

"What if I say I am a ghost? Who made me entangled? If it wasn't for your mother and daughter to have a bad heart, how could I entangle you? Su Anxin... Maybe your mother and daughter will not be able to get rid of my ghost in this life. !"

Qin Tianyue smiled weirdly, and slowly approached Su Anxin. Su Anxin wanted to retreat, but felt that her legs were stiff in place and could not move at all.

She wanted to scream, and she felt like her throat was pinched tightly with her hands.

Qin Tianyue at this time was really like a ghost, like a ghost from hell, frightening.

She had never seen Qin Tianyue look like this before! very scary!

"Qin Tianyue, don't come over, I won't allow you to come over!"

Su Anxin kept backing back in fear, with horror in her eyes. At this time, there was no one in the back garden, only she and Qin Tianyue. She really felt like Qin Tianyue was about to kill her.

"Su Anxin, what are you afraid of? Do you still have time to be afraid after you have done so many things in your heart?"

Qin Tianyue's charming and picturesque face was eerie and weird. She deliberately frightened Su Anxin so much. Su Anxin has been suffering from nightmares recently. She frightened her so much, and she would definitely cast a lot of psychological shadow on her.

"A ghost haunts you recently, it feels uncomfortable!"

"Now is just the beginning. Slowly, you will be entangled by them all, and then the retribution will come, oh, and your mother, sooner or later, there will be retribution to entangle you, and then let you live. It's better to die!"

When Qin Tianyue said the last four words, Su Anxin was so scared that she fell to the ground and couldn't move.

Qin Tianyue slowly pressed against Su Anxin, Su Anxin trembled all over.


An angry middle-aged female voice sounded not far away, Qin Tianyue heard the familiar harsh voice, the corners of his lips curled slightly, and he raised his head and looked over.

Sang Qiu's beautiful and well-maintained face was full of resentment. She looked at Qin Tianyue coldly, and strode towards this side.

"Mommy mommy!"

Hearing Sang Qiu's voice, Su Anxin cried out in fear.

Sang Qiu stooped to help Su Anxin up, and looked at Qin Tianyue coldly, "Qin Tianyue, what are you doing?"

Qin Tianyue shrugged, there was not the slightest wave on her charming and delicate face, "What does Madam Su think I am doing? I'm just joking with Miss Su!"

"Joke? Did you make the joke like that?"

Sang Qiuyin said coldly, although she didn't know what was going on, her daughter fell to the ground and was forced by Qin Tianyue with a smile.

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