Rebirth Space: Ace Spicy Wife, Don’t Get Angry

Chapter 1320: Isn't it a joke to sell my daughter (three shifts)

Sang Qiu couldn't wait to go back to the past and choke Qin Tianyue, who was just born, so that so many things would not happen now.

"Is not it?!"

Qin Tianyue asked back, the corners of her lips twitched slightly, "Mrs. Su, then tell me, how can it not be a joke?"

Sang Qiu's face was ugly, and he didn't want to answer Qin Tianyue at all.

Her refusal to answer does not mean that Qin Tianyue did not ask.

"Selling your own daughter shouldn't be a joke?! Or in Mrs. Su's heart, that's a joke. After all, that daughter is a shame in Mrs. Su's heart, isn't it?"

Qin Tianyue ignored Sang Qiu's increasingly ugly expression, and said with a smile, "From the very beginning, acquaintance with me should be a joke!"

"Mrs. Su, what do you think!"

Qin Tianyue's eyes were gloomy, and his body exuded a breath of suffocation.

Sang Qiu's breathing was a little suffocated. She didn't know that her own daughter who felt ashamed still had such a terrible breath that made her speechless for a while.

"You are right. From the beginning, it was a trap and a joke. In my mother's heart, you are not as good as an outsider. You are the most disgusting person. How do you deserve to be my mother's daughter!"

Sang Qiu hadn't spoken yet, Su Anxin, who was supported by Sang Qiu, couldn't help but speak.

She was stunned just now, and she was actually frightened by the smelly woman Qin Tianyue, which was absolutely disgusting.

Sang Qiu had a calm face and did not refute Su Anxin's words. There were only three of them in the back garden of the Shen family. She didn't have to be afraid that someone would hear these words and ruin her image.

Anyway, from that day on, even if she and Qin Tianyue had their faces torn apart, but they were a daughter who was incapable of any ability, she was not afraid of tearing their faces.


Qin Tianyue couldn't help laughing, her eyes fell on the mother and daughter opposite, "If I were the most disgusting person, wouldn't you who are related to me by blood?"

If she can, she doesn't want a mother like Sang Qiu. The mother she wants is a woman like Luo Mengfang. Maybe she is not great, but she can give everything for her daughter.

No, actually Sangqiu is too, just not to her!

Qin Tianyue clenched her fist tightly. In fact, many times, she wanted to ask aloud why Sang Qiu was so vicious.

Even if you don't like her, you shouldn't treat her like that. If you sold her in the previous life, you still sold her in this life. Could it be that in her heart, she is really so unbearable?

If there is no rebirth, if there is no this life, she may not change, she will only be unwilling to question.

Qin Tianyue's words made Sang Qiusu feel relieved, and Qin Tianyue's words reached the deepest part of their hearts.

"Qin Tianyue, if I can, I don't want to give birth to you at all!"

Sang Qiu's voice was cold, without the slightest emotion, as if she was facing her enemy instead of her own daughter.

"This sentence is exactly what I want to say to Mrs. Su, if I can, I don't want you to give birth to me!"

There are some things that she wanted to tell Sang Qiu since her last life, but she never had a chance.

"A mother who sold her own daughter mercilessly, a mother who was hypocritical to her own daughter, is she still a mother? No, she is not, she is just a beast with no emotions!"

Qin Tianyue's words were very calm, very plain.

Sang Qiu's expression was very ugly because of Qin Tianyue, "Qin Tianyue, what are you talking about? Anyway, I gave birth to you, so you are so rebellious?"

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