Rebirth Space: Ace Spicy Wife, Don’t Get Angry

Chapter 1338: Dead Forest Legend 2 (five watch)

Even if it is true, she believes that it is definitely not a real zombie, it must be man-made.

"It seems so, what am I afraid of?"

Shen Wenwen patted his chest, and they also told her to watch some headlines, so she didn't want to watch it, so as not to have nightmares at night.

"Let's go, we are all gone!"

Shen Wenwen picked up the book in his hand, Qin Tianyue nodded, and walked out of the classroom with her.

Along the way, many students from Beijing University seem to be talking about today's headlines, and it seems to be spread all over the campus.

Qin Tianyue's eyes were dark, and from the mouths of these people, she vaguely knew what the headlines were talking about today.

I heard that there is a place called Pingyin Village. There are forests everywhere, and one of them is especially mysterious.

The forest that was originally not noticeable was suddenly rumored that there were mysterious treasures in it, and some people said that there must be some ancient tomb in it. Later, many people were attracted to explore it, but no one who entered it came back.

The forest was forbidden by the people of Pingyin Village. It is said many years ago that hunters in Pingyin Village entered it to hunt, but no one came back. Since then, it has been regarded as a forbidden area by the people of Pingyin Village.

Many years later, it was rumored that there were treasures and ancient tombs in it, which attracted countless people to explore. People in Pingyin Village prevented countless people from coming to explore, but they were still unavoidable to be mixed in, but no one who entered it came out again.

Later, people who were ready to explore saw the mysterious shadows just as they entered it. When they got closer, they saw rotting zombies, scaring everyone from entering.

The reason why this incident was not known before, and now it’s so big is because an archaeological team entered the Death Forest a few days ago and did not come out again. This incident was unintentionally spread by the family of the archaeological team, and the news has ended here. Come.

"It's too scary, Tianyue, I want to go home."

Shen Wenwen still has a class today, which is not very important. When she heard the rumors about the death forest, she was so scared that she didn't want to stay in Beijing University at all. Everywhere she went there were people saying that there were zombies in the death forest. According to the legend, she really doesn't want to stay longer, she wants to go back to be quiet and quiet.

"Well, go back, I will go back too!"

She has no classes today, and there is no need to stay in Beijing University. Seeing that it is about noon, Qin Tianyue is preparing to prepare food for a certain man. Who made her sleepy last night, a certain man indirectly complained that she had not taken the initiative to look for her for a long time. , He wants to have lunch with her.

"Okay, let's go back!"

Shen Wenwen made Qin Tianyue amused with a scared look, and Shen Wenwen patted Qin Tianyue lightly with shame, "Okay, you are laughing at me."

Qin Tianyue shook his head and laughed, and said quickly, "Well, go back quickly, or maybe the zombies in their mouths..."

"Ah, don't say anything, I'll go back right away!"

Shen Wenwen was startled by Qin Tianyue, where he dared to wait more, and soon separated from Qin Tianyue.

After making Shen Wenwen on the road to be careful, Qin Tianyue walked out of Beijing University, Su Anxin and her dog legs all asked for leave during this time, and her ears were also clear.

Qin Tianyue returned to the villa, entered the space, personally picked fresh ingredients, and personally cooked dishes for Mo Yishen.

Seeing that the time was almost the same, Qin Tianyue drove to the Mo Group quickly. This time, she got onto the Mo Group from the underground garage and went directly to the president elevator to the 88th floor.

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