Rebirth Space: Ace Spicy Wife, Don’t Get Angry

Chapter 1339: Madam is waiting for you in the office (six shifts)

Before coming, she called Mo Yan, and Mo Yan knew she was coming and was already waiting outside the elevator.

"Madam, you have worked hard!"

Looking at the food box in Qin Tianyue's hand, the smile on Mo Yan's face became brighter. Ye Ye didn't know that his wife was coming. If he knew about it later, he would definitely be very happy.

"Master Mo is in a meeting and will be out soon, so Madam might as well go to the office first and so on."

Mo Yan said respectfully, Qin Tianyue's delicate lips slightly opened after wearing a mask, "Okay, then I will wait for him first."

She knew that he was very busy, and sometimes she might not even use lunch in time. After being with him, she asked Mo Yan to remind Mo Yishen more than once, and sometimes called him at noon to let him eat in time.

Mo Yan took Qin Tianyue toward Mo Yishen's office, and some secretaries who came and greeted Qin Tianyue respectfully. Although this future lady had only been to the Mo group once, they all remembered her clearly.

Who made her feel that she was a beautiful face under the mask even if she was wearing a mask, coupled with her noble and elegant temperament, it is hard to remember, the most important thing is the future president of the Mo Group’s wife. Who doesn't remember, can't wait to know what she looks like right away, so don't offend it when you encounter it in the future.

Qin Tianyue entered Mo Yishen's office. The office was exactly the same as the one she saw last time. The office was large but also very deserted.

Mo Yan took Qin Tianyue to the office, closed the door respectfully, and walked towards the meeting room.

He can't let his wife wait for a long time, it's better to go and tell Master Mo as soon as possible.

If Lord Mo knew that his wife was waiting for a long time, and he didn't tell him, he would definitely be angry.

In the conference room, Mo Yishen was sitting in the position of president. On both sides of him were the well-dressed Mo Group elites. Everyone looked serious and did not dare to be presumptuous in front of Mo Yishen.

Mo Yishen was slender and tall, sitting in his own position with a fierce and terrifying aura. The narrow phoenix eyes glanced at the crowd indifferently, and everyone held their breath, waiting for Mo Yishen to speak.

Mo Yi's deep phoenix eyes coldly glanced at a manager standing on the left, tapping lightly with the index finger of his right hand, and every tapping lifted the hearts of everyone present.

They could feel the sweat on their foreheads, especially the standing manager who was frightened at a loss. He didn't seem to have done anything wrong. Why didn't President Mo say a word? Could it be where? wrong?

At this moment, the door of the meeting room was opened from outside, Mo Yan's tall figure walked in, looking at the serious and quiet meeting room, Mo Yan pushed his glasses and walked in. He felt that he must be their savior. .

Mo Yan walked to Mo Yishen and said in a low voice, "Master Mo, Madam is here, waiting for you in the conference room."

Mo Yi's deep and cold phoenix eyes flashed, and his slender body quickly got up from the position and strode toward the outside of the meeting room.

After Mo Yishen left, the oppressive atmosphere of the entire meeting room disappeared instantly. Everyone wiped the sweat from their foreheads. Every meeting seemed to be going through a world war. President Mo was really terrifying. In front of him, I was afraid. If you make a mistake, even if President Mo doesn't speak, people can't breathe.

Mo Yan took a funny look at all the executive managers of the Mo Group who participated in the meeting, and walked out of the meeting room shaking his head.

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