Rebirth Space: Ace Spicy Wife, Don’t Get Angry

Chapter 1340: Mo Yishen, you let me go (seven more)

After Mo Yan left, the manager who was originally standing seemed to lose strength and sat in his position instantly, taking a sip of the water in front of him.

"Master Mo, what is the important thing?"

A manager asked curiously, and everyone looked at each other and shook their heads. This was the first time I saw Master Mo leaving in the middle of the meeting. He didn't know what was going on that could make the calm and cold Master Mo so excited.

That's right, it was excitement. They all saw the excitement on Ye Ye's face after Assistant Yan had finished speaking. This was the first time they saw Ye Ye's expression other than coldness.

"I know, I seem to have heard it just now."

A manager sitting closest to Mo Yishen whispered.

Everyone looked at him in amazement, and the talking manager said quietly, "I seem to hear the word "Madam."

"Could it be that the lady is here?"

Everyone nodded their heads knowingly. Ever since they knew that Lord Mo was actually in love with a girl, everyone felt that the world was changing. President Mo, who had always been cold and resolute, actually talked about love. Isn't this the world is changing? ?

All employees of the Mo Group believe that such a high-ranking person is never close to women. I am afraid that no one will be admired by him in this life. Until the appearance of his wife, let them know that it is really one thing and one thing.

Such a powerful President Mo can be surrendered by his wife, it really is God's eyes.

When I saw President Mo's care for his wife last time, and this time his wife came again, President Mo was so excited that he didn't feel so surprised.

I am afraid that only the wife in this world can make President Mo show a second expression.

This serious and tense meeting ended with the arrival of the lady, and I am really grateful to that mysterious lady.

Qin Tianyue entered Mo Yishen’s office, sat on the sofa, took out the food box in his hand, and waited for Mo Yishen to end the meeting. It was already a quarter past 12 noon, and he was still in the meeting, which made her feel a little distressed. People manage such a big group, but he never said anything in front of her. She felt that she should find a way to replenish his body.

Forget it, he seems to be strong enough, so don't make it up.

After thinking for a few minutes, there was already movement outside, Qin Tianyue just raised his head, the office door was quickly opened from the outside, and Mo Yishen's slender and tall figure appeared in front of her.

Seeing Qin Tianyue sitting on the sofa, Mo Yishen closed the door very quickly and walked in the direction of Qin Tianyue.

"Why are you here?"

Mo Yishen's voice is hoarse and sexy. He just casually mentioned last night that she actually came today, an unexpected surprise.

"Let’s see if you didn’t eat well, as expected."

Qin Tianyue got up from the sofa, before he walked in front of Mo Yishen, he had already stretched out his slender arms to put her in his arms, and the hot kiss fell quickly, not allowing her to refuse.

"Um... Mo Yishen, you let me go!"

The slight struggle was exchanged for the fierce and fierce plunder of a certain man. She could feel the excitement in his kiss. It was only one morning, but she felt as if the two had reunited after a long time.

After finally waiting for a man to release her, her legs were weak and she could only breathe in his arms.

"The dishes are going to be cold!"

Qin Tianyue raised his head and pushed Mo Yishen away, and looked at his handsome face in an awe-inspiring way, with deep affection for her in those phoenix eyes.

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