Rebirth Space: Ace Spicy Wife, Don’t Get Angry

Chapter 1341: Because my Yueer is pretty (eight shifts)


Mo Yishen's eyes finally saw the food box on the coffee table and entered the meeting room. Only her was in his eyes, and he didn't even notice that she had brought food over.

"Well, I made it by myself. Let's eat quickly."

With a light smile on Qin Tianyue's charming face, she walked to the coffee table and opened the food box. She took out the exquisite dishes one by one, including beef, fish, shrimp and vegetarian dishes, which were very rich.

Mo with deep and thin lips slightly raised, **** and charming.

Qin Tianyue handed the chopsticks to Mo Yishen, then stuffed the rice into Mo Yishen's hands, "Hurry up and eat, it will soon be cold."


Qin Tianyue raised her delicate lips slightly, and put the vegetables in the deep bowl of Mo Yi, watching him eat the dishes he made by himself, and a sense of satisfaction lingered in her heart.

After finishing the meal, Qin Tianyue was ready to clean up, Mo Yishen took her hand to let her rest well, "I'm coming!"

"You go and do your work, I'll clean it up, but it's just a small matter."

Qin Tianyue grabbed Mo Yishen's hand and whispered towards him.

Mo Yishen grabbed Qin Tianyue's hand and looked at her delicate and white slender fingers. Mo Yishen tightened slightly, "How am I willing!"

Qin Tianyue couldn't help but raise her lips, and couldn't help but get close to Mo Yishen, "I can't bear to let it be better for me."

"it is good!"

The low-pitched voice is so **** that Qin Tianyue pushes Mo Yi deeply to the desk, "I'll do it, and you will be responsible for your work. But you have to raise me. Raising me is precious. If you don’t work well, how do you raise me? ?"

"Rest assured, our money will not be used up in ten lifetimes. I can support you, and I can raise it very well. If you want, you can be richer and happier than anyone else."

Mo Yishen's phoenix eyes locked Qin Tianyue tightly, and the corners of Qin Tianyue's lips could not help but keep raising, "Who wants you to raise it?!"

In other words, she said, how can she know that he actually said such a thing, she can't run out of money now, who wants his money? !

"Who do you want to raise if you don't want me to raise it? Huh? Yueer!"

The deep, magnetic voice was dangerous, and Qin Tianyue glared at Mo Yishen, "What are you thinking about again? Will there be other men in my life besides you?"

Someone has taken her to her, how could she find another man? Besides, she never thought about looking for it. She had identified this man, but how could she look after other people.

Mo Yishen's phoenix eyes softened, stretched out his hand to grasp Qin Tianyue's hand, and slightly pulled, Qin Tianyue fell towards Mo Yishen and sat directly on his lap.

There was an obvious smile in Mo Yishen's phoenix eyes, and the aura he exuded was no longer cold, but rather gentle.

Qin Tianyue was forced to hook Mo Yishen's neck with both hands, staring at Mo Yishen, looking into Mo Yishen's eyes, "Why are you looking at me like this?"

Since she was forcibly pulled and sat on his lap, his eyes have been looking at her, making her a little shy, and he couldn't help but make him look away.

"Because my Yueer is pretty."

A deep and **** voice sounded affectionately in Qin Tianyue's ears. Qin Tianyue grabbed Mo Yishen's tie and gently pulled him in front of him. The two eyes met, one crystal clear and the other profound.

Qin Tianyue put his fingers on Mo Yishen's thin lips, and said softly and charmingly, "When is your mouth so sweet?"

This man has changed so much. When he first met, how could he say these things, but now he is slipping away when he talks about love.

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