Rebirth Space: Ace Spicy Wife, Don’t Get Angry

Chapter 1353: It doesn't seem to feel anything at all (four more)

"I think Brother Ming is right. It must be the case. A Lei, don't think too much about it. We will soon be in Pingyin Village. When we find the treasure, we will be rich."

Another girl made a delicate voice.

The young boy, Sun Lei, stopped talking and was very upset. He didn't want to go, and was afraid that everyone would laugh at him and say he was timid.

To the right, a woman in her early thirties whispered what she had seen and heard to the recorder.

"Sister Yao, are there really zombies in Pingyin Village? Will it be dangerous for us to go there?"

A man beside the woman said that they are reporters. This time they came to Pingyin Village because they wanted to take some irritating photos. When the time comes to report, they will definitely be rewarded.

"Do you believe there will be zombies?"

Yao Ya sneered. She didn't believe in the existence of zombies. If they did, the world would not be turned upside down. How could it be only in Pingyin Village.

"But there are no zombies, and there are dead forests. If we go this way, will something really happen?"

Another man with a video recorder hesitated and said that compared with the award, he still hopes to save his life. I heard that there are zombies in Pingyin Village. Even if the zombies are fake, there is a mysterious death forest. They interviewed this time. Is it going to enter the death forest?

"What death forest, you think too much, think about if we take some unknown things!"

When Yao Ya thought that if something irritating was taken in Pingyin Village, no one would dare to look down upon her, and the little **** who was against her would not dare to be rampant anymore.

"Isn't that there are treasures and jewels here? Maybe we will find them?"

When the man standing next to Yao Ya thought of finding the treasure, his footsteps became stronger, maybe waiting for them to find the treasure, stealing a few will be spent in this life.

Yao Ya's eyes flashed, and she glanced at the two people beside her, "Maybe we are really lucky!"

The two smiled, and the three of them had a much lighter footsteps than before.

Two groups of people walked in the direction of Pingyin Village one after the other, their eyes fixed on Qin Tianyue's group who was more than 20 meters away.

"Hey, are the few people in front also going to Pingyin Village?"

Wu Fangming on the expedition side looked curiously, because the sky is still a bit dim, so they can't fully see who the person in front of them is. They can only feel that they are walking very fast, and they were only ten or twenty away. Mi, in a blink of an eye it seems that they are almost out of sight.

"Doesn't this road only lead to Pingyin Village? Maybe those people want to explore like us."

Mi Bei stood in front of Wu Fangming, looking at it, "That group..."

How does she feel that the group is very popular? From their perspective, only a few people in black can be seen side by side. There seems to be a man and a woman when they cross them. Because the sky is dim, it is really difficult to see, only two people can feel. People are tall and slender, and slim and exquisite.

It doesn't look like an expedition, and I don't know what it is for?

"They walked so fast on such a bad road? Why do they seem to feel nothing?"

Min Jiarou, the girl who was complaining just now, frowned and followed her sight. She felt a lot of pain in her feet after walking for a while.

However, this group of people walked fast, as if they were walking on flat ground. It was obvious that the road they were walking on was bumpy, and they were still walking uphill.

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