Rebirth Space: Ace Spicy Wife, Don’t Get Angry

Chapter 1354: The deadly Pingyin Village (five shifts)

"We should also go faster. We must not let this group of people go much faster than us."

Luo Hao, the boss of this group of people, said in a deep voice. He is a master of Taekwondo black belt. How can he allow those people to be better than himself. To be honest, he also finds it difficult to walk here. The group of people walks like a pervert. They are a lot faster, he must catch up.

"Okay, let's hurry up!"

Wu Fangming nodded, Mi Bei and Min Jiarou nodded, Sun Lei, who was one step behind, had no choice but to follow him quickly.

The journey originally took more than 20 minutes, but was abruptly shortened by Qin Tianyue and others for more than ten minutes.

Pingyin Village is surrounded by forests, and there is only one road with potholes, and Pingyin Village can be seen after walking the road.

It was about seven o'clock in the morning, and the sky had just brightened, and there was still some mist shrouded in the sky, making it impossible to see the surrounding environment at a glance.

Before I get to Pingyin Village, I can feel very quiet, deadly quiet.

Qin Tianyue and Mo Yishen's footsteps stopped, Mo Xiao stopped behind Mo Yishen Qin Tianyue, glanced at the surroundings with faint eyes, and found nothing wrong except quiet.

Just as Qin Tianyue was about to step forward and walk towards the front, a panting voice came from behind him, "Wait a moment, you guys wait a moment."

Mo Xiao and the others turned around, and the momentum of killing scared the people to stop. They stood a few meters away from Mo Xiao in fear.

They finally caught up with them, but they didn't know that they really saw the faces of these people, and they were so scared that they couldn't speak at all.

They just want to stop them, are they staring at them with such terrible eyes? As if to kill them?

Qin Tianyue turned around, Mo Yishen turned around after her, the expressions of the two of them were plain, without any expressions.

"What's up?"

It was Qin Tianyue who was speaking, and her voice was soft.

What are these people doing to stop them?

At first glance, there are some ignorant men and women who are pampered and treated. This place is also a place for them to come? Do you want to explore?

Thinking of this, Qin Tianyue frowned slightly.

The faces of the two people standing opposite Qin Tianyue changed slightly, the men's eyes were astonishing, and the women's eyes all fell on Mo Yishen, with the same astonishment in their eyes.

In such a place, you can actually see such handsome men and women. The man is slender and tall, with a handsome and exquisite face, and has a terrifying aura. The girl standing next to him is less than 20 years old and has a beautiful and perfect face. , The beautiful eyes are as sparkling as water, and they are as beautiful as the people in the painting. People can't help but sigh that there are such men and women in this world.

The two standing together are like the most perfect and matched person in the sky, and they fit perfectly.

Everyone looked intently, wondering in their hearts, they just wanted to say hello and ask something, but they didn't know it would be so.

The two of them were just blocked by a few people behind them, and because of the fog, they could only see some back figures. If they hadn't turned around, they wouldn't know it would be so amazing.

Seeing all the men's eyes fall behind Qin Tianyue, Mo Yi's deep phoenix eyes were cold and frightening, and he glanced.

The backs of everyone were cold, and they quickly retracted their gazes, not daring to take another look at the two of them.

The man's appearance was so scary, just a look in his eyes made them tremble all over.

I didn't take a closer look just now. Now I know that these two people are not ordinary people, and I don't know what such people are doing in places like Pingyin Village.

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