Rebirth Space: Ace Spicy Wife, Don’t Get Angry

Chapter 1356: We must go in (seven more)

This group of people really want to die, don't blame them.

The wife reminded them that they still said so, who can be blamed for their own death?

Seeing Mo Yishen and the others ignored them and strode forward, Luo Hao's expression was gloomy, and Wu Fangming's expression on the side was not very good. This group of people was a little frantic.

Is it really abhorrent for them to come here and even let them leave?

"Brother Ming, look, what do these two people mean?"

Min Jiarou stomped her feet in dissatisfaction, she kindly asked, they actually treated them so indifferently, and looked at them with cold and stern eyes, which was too annoying.

"Okay, let's just say a few words, let's go."

Luo Hao said in a low voice with a sullen face, stopped talking, and strode forward.

Luo Hao spoke, Min Jiarou stopped talking, Wu Fangming patted Min Jiarou's hand, "Okay, don't be angry, let's go."

"Yes, Jia Rou, let's go."

Mi Bei smiled, and Min Jiarou nodded.

After the group of people left, Yao Ya stared at the few who left, and stopped talking to follow.

Qin Tianyue and Mo Yishen came to Pingyin Village.

Pingyin Village is very quiet, you can't even hear the sound of birds.

Qin Tianyue's eyes were set in front of him. In front of the uneven road, there was a small village. The houses in the village were still the old-fashioned thatched huts and wooden houses, and only a few of them were brick houses.

At this time, no villagers walked past Pingyin Village, only a wooden railing was set up at the intersection, which seemed to be blocking the crowd.

There is also a thatched hut that shelters the wind from the wooden railing, and there is a small sound coming from the thatched hut.

Qin Tianyue stood in front of the wooden railing with Mo Yishen, his expression was faint and the meaning was unknown.

"What do you do?"

As soon as a man came out of the thatched hut, he saw Qin Tianyue standing on the wooden railing. When they met the eyes of the two, the expression of the man who was talking changed slightly. The two are very strong.

The man stepped forward and stood in front of the wooden railing. After looking at Qin Tianyue's deep ink, he withdrew his surprised expression and said in a deep voice, "Now Pingyin Village cannot be entered, you can leave."

People in Pingyin Village are not allowed to enter now. Even people in Pingyin Village can only go out and cannot enter. Their talents came here yesterday, and many people in Pingyin Village have left this dangerous place. As for the rest, they don’t leave. They are still trying to get them to leave.

In order to prevent more people from being harmed, they fenced off the road into Pingyin Village to prevent people from entering and leaving at will, so as to avoid accidents.

They are people sent by the state to find the team of archaeologists who entered Pingyin Village last time. Those are the elites of the country. They must find them so they can explain them back.

"We must go in if something happens!"

Qin Tianyue spoke in a low voice, Mo Yishen stood beside her, his phoenix eyes looked at the man in front of him, and the man almost put them in under Mo Yishen's eyes.

It's weird, I was actually frightened by the look in a man's eyes.

There are also a few people behind this pair of men and women who are not ordinary in their aura. Where on earth are people who dare to go to Pingyin Village, aren't they afraid of death?

"No, now Pingyin Village is forbidden to go in and out, you should leave right away, I will never let you in."

The man said in a deep voice, and as soon as the words fell, a young woman's voice rang behind him, "What's the matter?"

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