Rebirth Space: Ace Spicy Wife, Don’t Get Angry

Chapter 1357: I'm here to look for them (eight shifts)

"Weiwei, what are you doing out? It's cold outside. There are a few people who want to enter Pingyin Village. I'll solve this. You can go in."

The man said softly, with distress in his eyes. Weiwei is a newcomer to the national power group. She has improved a lot in a short time. Seeing her working so hard, he feels very distressed for this girl who is only in her early twenties.

This time when they were sent to perform such a difficult task, Weiwei had to volunteer, even if many people in the ability team didn't want her to come, she had to come here.

"It's okay, it's not cold!"

Tang Wei's slender figure walked in the direction of the man, her eyes suddenly fell on Qin Tianyue who was standing in front of the man, her beautiful eyes widened, and she quickly ran forward with an excited expression.

"Weiwei, what's wrong with you?"

The man stretched out his hand to hold the excited Tang Wei. This was the first time he saw Tang Wei so excited.

After Tang Wei came to the power group, she almost seldom laughed and had very few expressions. She had always completed tasks very seriously, and she was praised by the above in a short time.

Because she is the only girl in the ability group, Tang Wei has always been treated differently by all the members of the ability group. Everyone knows that she has no father or mother, and often takes special care of Tang Wei.

Tang Wei is very powerful and almost never needs their care, making them almost feel defeated.

In the past two months, it was the first time he saw Tang Wei showing expressions other than a faint smile.

"Tianyue, is it really you?"

Tang Wei's somewhat excited voice sounded, and the man holding Tang Wei's hand looked at Qin Tianyue Mo Yi Shen in surprise. These two people know Tang Wei?

"Weiwei, long time no see!"

Seeing Tang Wei, Qin Tianyue had a beautiful smile on her face. She didn't expect to see Tang Wei here.

After the separation in City J, she also sent text messages to Tang Wei. The two chatted for a while and knew that Tang Wei had found a place to stay. Like her, those who were rescued had found a place to stay. She was finally relieved.

Later, she and Tang Wei stopped chatting, and didn't know how she was now?

"have not seen you for a long time!"

Tang Wei's eyes were slightly moist. If it were not for Mo Yishen's side, she would have stepped forward and hugged Qin Tianyue. Qin Tianyue was Tang Wei's savior and the most grateful person in her life.

"Tianyue, why are you here?"

Tang Wei asked in a puzzled way how Qin Tianyue and Mo Yishen came here. If they were here to explore, she didn't believe it. If they were looking for a legendary treasure, she didn't believe it either. After all, with their financial resources , How can you come here to take a risk?

"My friends are missing here, I came here to look for them!"

Qin Tianyue whispered, Tang Wei frowned slightly, "Your friend is missing?"

"Well, they are the doctors who came here for treatment. They disappeared a day or two ago. I must find them and bring them back."

Qin Tianyue looked at Tang Wei. Tang Wei nodded. She knew that Qin Tianyue was a lover, otherwise she would not save herself in spite of danger. Pingyin Village is now very dangerous. She can come here. Presumably those two people are also very important to her.

"No matter what, you can't go in, it's too dangerous inside."

The voice of the man standing next to Tang Wei was much calmer than before. Knowing that Qin Tianyue knew Mo Yishen and Tang Wei as his own, his words were much softer than before.

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