Rebirth Space: Ace Spicy Wife, Don’t Get Angry

Chapter 1366: Those who entered did not come out (one more)

Qi Feiye tilted his head to look at Mo Yishen and Qin Tianyue, who are these two people, especially this man who has such a powerful aura.

"I... I really..."

The village chief wanted to say that he didn't know, but he had to admit it under the eyes of Mo Yishen and Qin Tianyue.

"That night, there was indeed movement, but no one dared to come out. Later we discovered that the two Chinese doctors were missing."

When he said this, the village head seemed to feel a little ashamed, and his old face turned red.

Since the rumors of zombies, almost everyone in the village will not go out. They are afraid that they will actually encounter zombies. In fact, there will be some movement every night. That night is also the same. They thought it was just the same as in the past. The thing is the fault in their village.

Hearing what the village said, Qin Tianyue looked ugly and exuded a cold breath.

People are selfish, but at this level of selfishness, she really wants to get angry and wish to teach the people here.

"How can you do this?"

Tang Wei said in a cold voice, if they did a favor after hearing the movement, maybe it wouldn't happen.

The village chief lowered his head in shame, "It's all our fault, I'm sorry!"

"Is it useful to say sorry now? They treat so many people in your village, and they are in trouble, but you all hide in your own home and ignore it."

Tang Wei's face was very ugly, and she didn't want to say a word.

Qi Feiye grabbed Tang Wei's hand, "Okay, let's just say a few words."

It's already happened, and it's useless to say more.

Tang Wei glanced at Qi Feiye and snorted and stopped talking.

Qin Tianyue's eyes were cold and without any temperature, "After that incident, where is the place where they are most likely to disappear?"

She can ignore these things for now, her only purpose now is to find two people, and absolutely can't let them go wrong.

"We have searched everywhere, and there are no two of them, except for..."

The village chief looked at Qin Tianyue hesitantly, Qin Tianyue's expression became cold, "Except what?"

"Except for the Death Forest, no one dared to step into it!"

The village chief gritted his teeth. On that day, their people knew that Hua Ting and Hua Mingsheng were missing. They searched around with weapons in their hands. They did not find traces of Hua Ting Hua Mingsheng. They only found messy footsteps on the edge of the death forest.

The body was not found, I am afraid that the two of them have strayed into the death forest.

Death forest? !

In fact, Qin Tianyue had already guessed that, as seen in the eyes of the sky, Huating and Hua Mingsheng were indeed walking randomly in a place like a forest. She was not sure if it was a death forest, so she could only take a gamble.


Tang Wei walked to Qin Tianyue's side and looked at her gloomy face, "If they are really in the Death Forest, when the time comes, we will go in together."

Qin Tianyue nodded, thinking about something in his mind.

"Don't go in. It's very dangerous. Those who are going forward didn't come out. Those who came to explore recently didn't come out. Don't go in."

A-Man said in a low voice, she was really worried that these people would go in.

During this period of time, news about the treasures in Pingyin Village spread out. Many people came to explore, and none of them came out. Later, a pair of explorers came out and a man covered in blood came out. He said to see. When it comes to zombies, there are zombies in the dead forest.

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