Rebirth Space: Ace Spicy Wife, Don’t Get Angry

Chapter 1367: Normal people must have died long ago (two more)

This incident scared the people of Pingyin Village into panic. They kept concealing it, but the news about the zombies was still spread out.

I thought that this way, no one would come here. As a result, more people came here, and some archaeologists came here.

No one listened to their dissuasion, and no one who went in came out again.

During this period, my father kept her from going out and kept her at home, fearing that something might happen to her.

"Even if it is dangerous, we must go in."

Qi Feiye said in a deep voice, they didn't know that it looked like Tiger Wolf's Lair. The task this time was very arduous, and even if it was arduous, it had to be completed.

Knowing that they couldn't persuade them, the village chief and Ahman stopped talking.

At around eleven in the morning, the fog around Pingyin Village subsided a little.

Qin Tianyue stood in front of the Death Forest, his eyes deep and he didn't know what he was thinking.

Mo Yishen stood behind Qin Tianyue and hugged her from behind, "Don't think too much!"

"I know!"

Qin Tianyue raised a faint smile. She really couldn't laugh at this time. After knowing the indifference of the people in Pingyin, she was really angry.

These people are really hateful, indifferent and selfish!

"Yue'er, what were you thinking when you saw those black flesh and blood just now?"

Mo Yishen hugged Qin Tianyue in his arms, felt her hands slightly cold, stretched out his palm to wrap it, and then asked in a deep voice.

In the room, he noticed that Qin Tianyue found something wrong with the meat crumbs, but he didn't ask about it at the time.

Qin Tianyue raised his head and looked at Mo Yishen, with weird flashes in his eyes, "Those flesh and blood are indeed abnormal, they should be poisonous! And they are still very poisonous!"

Mo Yishen's expression was dim, "Poison?"

"Well, if a normal person is infected with this kind of poison, he must have already died!"

"So you mean..."

"They are indeed not humans, and I don't know if they are zombies or not."

What the so-called zombies really look like, in fact, no one knows, everything is just a lot of people's imagination.

If a person is killed by this kind of poison, but can still walk like an ordinary person, no, it seems a lot more powerful than an ordinary person, is that a zombie?

"Don't think too much, we will know soon."

Mo comforted with a deep and soft voice, and Qin Tianyue nodded.

The silhouettes of Qi Feiye and others came from not far away, and they paused when they saw the silhouette of the two embracing each other.

Feeling that there is an outsider, Qin Tianyue pushed away from the ink, and his eyes fell in the direction behind him.

Tang Wei smiled softly at her and took a step forward, "The time is almost there, are you ready?"

It was past eleven o'clock now, and it was almost twelve o'clock. They had to prepare everything and enter the death forest.

There are many unknown dangers in there, and we must be fully prepared.


Qin Tianyue smiled back. She and Mo Yishen had nothing to prepare, they only needed to enter the death forest to find Huating and Hua Mingsheng.

"Well, wait ten more minutes, we'll go in."

Qi Feiye's eyes fell on the death forest behind Qin Tianyue with a serious expression.

Once inside, they must be vigilant and cannot relax.


Deng Chen's figure came over from a short distance.

Seeing Deng Chen, Qi Feiye quickly walked over, "Those people stopped?"

"Well, I have let people in Pingyin Village watch these people."

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