Rebirth Space: Ace Spicy Wife, Don’t Get Angry

Chapter 1368: Never leave me (three shifts)

Deng Chen nodded. These people are really going to die, and he doesn't want to bother. What's most feared is that these people will cause them trouble.

"Okay, everyone go to prepare again, we will set off at twelve o'clock."

Qi Feiye glanced at the men behind him, and everyone nodded.

"Tianyue, let's prepare again. You will wait a while and we will go in together."

Tang Wei nodded towards Qin Tianyue, Qin Tianyue let out a hum.

Mo Yishen stood beside Qin Tianyue, squeezing her hand, her narrow phoenix eyes fell on the place of the death forest, where the thick fog was slowly receding, gradually revealing the true features of the death forest.

"Never leave me for a while!"

Mo Yishen spoke in a deep voice, and Qin Tianyue looked at Mo Yishen, "I will be by your side."

"Everyone, be careful too!"

Qin Tianyue looked at Mo Xiao and the others behind them, and Mo Xiao and the others spoke together, "Don't worry, Madam, we will follow you closely."

Regardless of any danger, they must guard Mrs. Mo's side, and absolutely must not let them have an accident.

At twelve o'clock, everyone is ready.

The village chief took Aman and stood behind more than a dozen people. Behind them there were more than a dozen people from Pingyin Village. Knowing that these people would enter the Death Forest, many people in Pingyin Village sighed in their hearts, I'm afraid they I can't get out anymore.

It's a very dangerous place inside. It wasn't that there were no good people going in before, but no one came out alive. Now these people have to go in, I'm afraid it would be too bad.

In fact, many people in Pingyin Village hope that they can really solve the death forest. When that time comes, they will no longer have to fear the so-called zombies, so that everyone can restore the peaceful life of the past.

"Miss Qin, I'm really sorry, if you can find two Chinese doctors, please help us all say sorry!"

The village chief lowered his head uncomfortably and did not dare to look at Qin Tianyue at all. The dozens of villagers in Pingyin village behind him also bowed their heads and dared not speak.

The two doctors in China couldn't shirk their responsibility. If someone came back alive, they would definitely apologize. If... they might blame themselves for the rest of their lives.

Qin Tianyue didn't say a word, she still had grievances in her heart. What is the use of these people saying these now, even if they are sorry, they should say it in person.

"It's almost time, let's go in!"

Qi Feiye whispered, Tang Wei and others nodded, and walked in the first step toward the entrance of the Death Forest.

"Let's go!"

Mo glanced at the people in Pingyin Village with a deep gloomy gaze, retracted his gaze, and walked towards the death forest with Qin Tianyue's hand.

Mo Xiao and others followed Mo Yishen Qin Tianyue closely, and entered the Death Forest together.

The village chief and Aman stood at the entrance of the death forest and watched everyone disappear before their eyes.

"The village chief, I'm afraid they will go in..."

Someone quietly stood behind the village chief and sighed and said, why do these people have to enter the death forest because it is very dangerous.

If something happens, who will pay the responsibility? I heard that the people who came before were sent by the state.

"Can we still have peace in Pingyin Village?"

"I really hope they can solve the problem and let Pingyin Village restore a peaceful life."

Because of the zombies, everyone was frightened and panic. They wanted to leave, but they didn't know where to go. They could only stay in Pingyin Village.

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