Rebirth Space: Ace Spicy Wife, Don’t Get Angry

Chapter 1371: Deliberately looking for death (six more)

All in all, it is terrifying to look at, making it impossible to look directly at it.

"It's disgusting, how could this be?"

Someone murmured, and couldn't help feeling sick.

This was the first time they saw such a disgusting picture, and they didn't know what turned the two corpses into this way.

Qi Feiye had seen a lot of big things, and couldn't help but look directly at this picture. It was really shocking.

Apart from being able to see men and women in their clothes, they couldn't see anything from their skin and cheeks, because all the flesh on their bodies was gone, only the **** bones were left.

Qi Feiye's gaze fell on Qin Tianyue Mo Yishen and others unintentionally, and found that their expressions remained unchanged, without the slightest reaction, and couldn't help being surprised. Their people were all shocked and disgusted when they saw this picture, but these people looked like Without the slightest feeling, how ordinary people look like them.


Seeing the scene before her, Qin Tianyue felt a little uncomfortable, but her expression did not change at all. When she entered here, she knew that she would encounter many things, and she was mentally prepared.

"It should be eaten by wild beasts."

Mo Xiao retracted his gaze and said quietly.


Qin Tianyue thought the same way, except for beasts, nothing would gnaw a person like this.

"Aren't they the zombies in their mouths?"

A psychic asked a question, didn’t it mean there were zombies? Maybe these corpses were made by zombies?

"Have you ever seen zombies eat human flesh like this?"

Another person who laughed at him with a supernatural power, really thought it was the kind of zombies that appeared on TV abroad? Will eat people like this!

The former talker touched his nose, and said that, it didn't seem like it was made by a zombie.

"The corpse is still very fresh. It should be eaten soon. You can't stay here for a long time."

Mo Yishen clenched Qin Tianyue's hand, and said in a deep voice.

The **** smell here is so strong, it is very likely that some carnivorous things will be attracted again, it is best to leave quickly.


Qin Tianyue nodded. She knew Mo Yishen's thoughts, and she thought so too. It is not suitable to stay here for a long time, and they don't have too much time to stay.

These corpses were obviously the corpses of the so-called explorers who came here, and they weren't people who needed to find them. They didn't have so much energy to manage.

Everyone was preparing to leave, and suddenly messy footsteps came from behind, accompanied by the voices of men and women.

Hearing the sound, Qi Fei's face looked ugly, and his eyes fell on Deng Chen.

Deng Chen's expression was not pretty, "It's them! Damn it, are these people deliberately looking for death?"

He has let people watch them, why can they still come in here?

Tang Wei and the three supernatural beings beside him also didn't look pretty. These people were really not afraid of death, so they dared to enter here.

"Huh, there is someone in front!"

Mi Bei's voice sounded, and she could already vaguely see someone in front of her. After Mi Bei finished speaking, she strode forward.

Luo Hao and the others hurried forward. They were indeed watched by Deng Chen. Those people from Pingyin Village were staring at them. It was they who bought the people who guarded them with money, and then they had a chance to enter. Into this so-called death forest.

Yao Ya was a step behind and entered the Death Forest. She was busy recording the scenery she saw along the way with her own people. So far, there was nothing wrong with her.

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