Rebirth Space: Ace Spicy Wife, Don’t Get Angry

Chapter 1372: Since you are going to die (seven more)

"It's them!"

Mi Bei's voice stopped, her footsteps stopped, and she curled her mouth to look not far away.

Originally, she was happily thinking that she met people who came in for the expedition, but she didn't know that it was the group of people who didn't let them in. They were really enemies on the road. Now they have come in, let's see how they can stop them for a while.

Luo Hao stepped forward and stood beside Mi Bei, seeing Qi Feiye and others with a gloomy expression.

They have been watched by the group of Pingyin Village. If they weren't smart, this time the expedition would have come in vain.

Wu Fangming and Min Jiarou stood together, their expressions were not very good, similar to Luohao Mibei.

"Let's go, these people are not easy to mess with."

Sun Lei stood behind a few people and said in a low voice, he felt uncomfortable from entering the death forest. He felt like beasts and monsters everywhere. I was afraid that something would happen. I would not come here if I knew it. I don’t know if it will happen. Something happened.

"Where to go, they can go here, can't we?"

Luo Hao finished with a sneer, strode forward, and Mi Bei agreed with him. Wu Fangming and Min Jiarou hurriedly joined him, but Sun Lei had no choice but to follow him.

"Sister Yao, what shall we do now?"

A cameraman next to Yao Ya asked in a low voice. Yao Ya glanced at a few people and said, "Come on."

This death forest is really weird. It’s better if there are more people. If something goes wrong, there will be some help. This time she must record some great things before she can be praised when she goes back. At that time, she will definitely overwhelm the **** and be promoted. .

Hearing the sound of footsteps, Qi Feiye and others looked over, but after seeing Luohao's group, the expressions of several people were very ugly. These people really came to die. They are not responsible for losing their lives for a momentary interest. .

They have prevented them from coming here, and they are not afraid of coming here.

"What are you looking at, do you still want to stop us?"

Seeing that everyone's eyes were not good, Mi Bei said with lack of confidence.

In fact, she was really afraid that these people would make them go back again, and they wouldn't go back if they were killed.

"Since you want to die, what do we care about you?"

Deng Chen snorted coldly, unwilling to look at these ignorant young people again.

Luo Hao stared at Deng Chen angrily, because the crowd in front of him was unusual, he had no impulse.

Qin Tianyue and Mo Yishen stood together, looking indifferently at Luo Hao and others who were standing opposite them.

"What's there?"

Yao Ya’s voice sounded, and she strode forward with the two colleagues next to her. Regardless of Tang Wei’s obstruction, her eyes fell behind Tang Wei and others. When they saw the scene in front of them, Yao Ya showed horrified expressions. The three couldn't help vomiting at the same time.

It's not that I have never seen a corpse, but it is the first time I have seen such a tragic corpse. The whole body was eaten, only the **** bones were left, the **** head and eyeballs were gone, and the mouth was wide open. It was too scary.

"What makes you like this?"

Luo Hao's people were quite courageous. Seeing Yao Ya's people like this, they couldn't help but follow forward. When they saw the scene in front of them, the three Luohao men's eyes widened in horror and couldn't help but vomit.

Mi Bei and Min Jiarou screamed in fear, "corpse, corpse!"

How can a person become like this, and what makes them like this?

"Shut up!"

Hearing the screams, Qi Fei's face looked ugly.

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