Rebirth Space: Ace Spicy Wife, Don’t Get Angry

Chapter 1373: There must be monsters in it (eight shifts)

Qi Feiye motioned to his people to stop the screaming of the two women. What kind of place is this? Is it a place where they make noise at random? Whether it is a beast or a so-called zombie, it is not suitable to scream.

Qin Tianyue and Mo Yi looked dark and ugly. They were about to leave this place. Now they meet this group of people again, and they see the scene in front of them again. If they screamed something, it would be a disaster.

Mo Xiao looked ugly, and stepped forward to stop these two stupid women from screaming.

Mi Bei and Min Jiarou stepped back in fear, seeing a few fierce people approaching without knowing what they were going to do, they turned around and were about to run away. It was really terrifying here, they didn't want to stay any longer.

It was the first time I regretted entering here, and not long after I entered, I encountered such a disgusting and terrifying thing.

How can a person become like this, unless it is a monster, there must be a monster in it.

Mi Bei and Min Jiarou avoided the people who tried to cover their mouths, "Don't come over, don't come over."

"Brother Luo, let's go back, it's terrible here."

Mi Bei begged Luo Hao, she didn't want to go in, this place was not for people at all, it was terrible, people didn't even have meat, and they didn't know what bit it!

Luo Hao's expression was not very good. He didn't plan to bring Mi Bei and Min Jiarou this time. He was afraid that he would encounter this kind of thing, but he did not expect to encounter it.

At this moment, there seemed to be a faint sound from the dead forest of death, Qin Tianyue and Mo had a deep expression, and something was moving quickly in their direction.

Before everyone could react, a huge black wolf jumped up from the grass. It opened its big scarlet mouth and directly bit Mibei's shoulder.

When Mi Bei spoke with Min Jiarou, her back was turned to the black giant wolf that jumped up, and she didn't notice the danger behind her.


Tang Wei's face changed drastically, and she watched as the black giant wolf bit Mi Bei's shoulder and grabbed her tightly.

"Ah, save me!"

Mi Bei only felt a tearing pain in her shoulder, and when she looked back, she saw a giant wolf biting her shoulder stubbornly.

Min Jiarou felt weak, released Mi Bei's hand in horror, and ran in the direction of Wu Fangming trembling.

It's terrible, what happened?

Just now Min Jiarou ran in the direction of Wu Fangming, and a giant wolf jumped out of the grass again, biting it hard at Min Jiarou.

Both wolves have scarlet in their mouths, and there are still a lot of residual meat and human blood in their hair. They must have eaten human flesh not long ago.

The first wolf, Qi Feiye and others, did not react. When the second wolf leaped towards Min Jiarou, everyone reacted and hurriedly saved people.

Tang Wei grabbed Min Jiarou's clothes and threw them in Wu Fangming's direction, dealing with a wolf in front of her.

Qi Feiye alone dealt with the giant wolf that bit Mi Bei.

At this time, Mi Bei had already eaten one hand by the giant wolf, and his entire face was full of horror and fear, and he still asked for help, "Brother Luo save me, Brother Ming save me."

She hopes that her own people can save herself. She doesn't want to die. She is only twenty years old. She is still waiting for her youth. Why did she come here and why not listen to them.

Where did Luo Hao and Wu Fangming dare to step forward, when they saw the giant wolf biting off Mi Bei's hand, they couldn't help hiding behind Qi Feiye and the others, their expressions pale and bloodless.

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