Rebirth Space: Ace Spicy Wife, Don’t Get Angry

Chapter 1378: He was eaten by zombies (five shifts)

"See what?"

Mo Yishen wrapped Qin Tianyue's waist, stretched out his hand to touch her eyes, and said distressedly.

"I didn't see anything, it just seemed to be this way."

It was too dark, what she saw was very vague, and the woods were almost exactly the same.

But there was one thing she saw. Huating and Hua Mingsheng seemed to have passed by that night, because she vaguely saw them kicking the corpse in terror, and then they ran to their right side together.

"It's this road, then we will go down this road."

Mo Yishen squeezed Qin Tianyue's hand, his gaze fell in the direction on the right, where there were indeed traces of being trampled and messed up.

"it is good!"

Qin Tianyue nodded, "They should hide in a cave now. It's still safe. We must find them as soon as possible to avoid accidents."

Before she found Huating and Hua Mingsheng, she could not guarantee that the two would not be harmed. Although she probably saw that they would be safe in the end, she still couldn't rest assured.


Mo Yishen took Qin Tianyue's hand and walked towards the right. As soon as the two of them took a few steps, they heard harsh screams, accompanied by fear and fear, and a faint sound of life-saving.

Qi Feiye and the others looked back, frowning.

"It's Jia Rou's voice. Isn't she going to have an accident?"

Wu Fangming said in a panic, Luo Hao grabbed his hand, "Don't panic."

Could it be that Min Jiarou had an accident? Didn't they go out? It's not very far from the death forest. How could something happen?

Luo Hao was also a little panic in his heart, afraid that there would really be something wrong.

Yao Ya squeezed the recorder in her hand, she didn't dare to take a breath, she regretted it a little, and she didn't think she had been here at all.

The two photographers behind Yao Ya showed horror, "What's the matter? What's the matter?"

Qin Tianyuemo stopped with deep footsteps, turning his head and following the direction of the voice.

There were sporadic life-saving voices, and everyone's expressions condensed.

Soon, with messy and frightened footsteps from far to near, Min Jiarou ran over with sweat and pale face. After seeing Wu Fangming and others, she rushed over with trembling, "There are zombies, there are zombies, run quickly."


Luo Hao and Wu Fangming had a chill on their backs, and Min Jiarou quickly pounced on them, hoping that they would run away quickly.

"What about Sun Lei, why didn't Sun Lei run back with you?"

Luo Hao grabbed Min Jiarou's hand and said quickly.

He glanced not far away and didn't find any zombies. Could it be that Min Jiarou was lying? No, she didn't look like she was lying.

"Sun Lei... Sun Lei was eaten by zombies!"

Min Jiarou's eyes flickered, she didn't dare to look directly at Luo Hao and others' eyes, and inadvertently met Qin Tianyue's gaze. Seeing the coldness in her eyes, Min Jiarou lowered her head in fear.

When Qi Feiye and others heard these words, their expressions changed drastically. What happened? Are there really zombies?

Qin Tianyuemo clearly saw Min Jiarou's twinkling eyes from a deep angle. Is she lying? What happened just now?

Are there really zombies?

"What did you say? What happened?"

Wu Fangming's eyes widened in disbelief, Sun Lei was eaten by a zombie?

"It's all my bad, it's all my bad."

Min Jiarou wiped her tears, and looked at the way she came with fear, for fear that she would encounter the zombie.

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