Rebirth Space: Ace Spicy Wife, Don’t Get Angry

Chapter 1379: Push friends to feed the zombies (six changes)

She and Sun Lei were about to leave the death forest and walked back along the way they came. The fog outside gradually became denser than before, and they vaguely saw the shadow of a Taoist person facing them with their backs.

The man was wearing clothes from Pingyin Village. People from Pingyin Village came here to look for them, so they happily ran forward and said hello.

It was strange that the man kept his back to them like that.

Sun Lei raised her defensive heart and grabbed her hand to prevent her from coming forward. She didn't listen, but thought it was Sun Lei who was thinking too much. She stepped forward and put the person on the shoulder, hoping that he could take them out.

The man slowly turned around, and a rotten face appeared in front of her, so scared that she couldn't help screaming, calling for help.

The zombie's eyes were white, and there was nothing good on his face. The whole body was rotten and black. She even seemed to be able to see maggots wriggling on his face, which was disgusting.

The zombie opened his mouth wide, and the stench came out, and he bit at her with a big mouth.

If it hadn't been for her to retreat, she would have been bitten long ago.

Sun Lei held her behind him, and the two rushed to the front, afraid of being overtaken by the zombies.

Because of fear, she accidentally fell to the ground. Seeing that the zombie was about to catch up with her and ate her, she had an idea, grabbed Sun Lei on the side, and pushed it hard.

Sun Lei looked at her in disbelief, his body was caught by the zombie, and the zombie bitten down severely. Sun Lei's blood burst out instantly, spraying everywhere.

And she took advantage of this opportunity to get up from the ground and ran towards Luohao and the others with some guilt and fear.

I can't go back on the way back, I can only look for Luohao and the others.

She didn't dare to look back at Sun Lei's tragic situation, only knowing that she ran forward.

She must not tell anyone about Sun Lei, otherwise they will definitely leave her behind.

"Let's go, that zombie is terrible, let's go!"

Min Jiarou was very scared, afraid that the zombie would catch up and eat her like Sun Lei.

Min Jiarou grabbed Luo Hao and Wu Fangming's hands and urged desperately.

"Why do you keep looking at me?!"

Min Jiarou stared at Qin Tianyue with a guilty conscience. Since she ran over, she found that this woman had been staring at her, making her very guilty, as if her lie was revealed under her gaze.

Qin Tianyue coldly curled her lips, "Pushing her friend to feed the zombies, but escapes by herself, don't you have any guilt in your heart?"

She didn't think about taking care of their affairs, just wanted to know if there were zombies, but at a glance, she did find the so-called zombies, and she also discovered a disgusting thing.

No wonder she was guilty, but it turned out that she pushed her friend into the hands of the zombie and ran away by herself.

Qi Feiye and others looked at Qin Tianyue in disbelief. What was Qin Tianyue talking about?

Tang Wei looked at Min Jiarou coldly. She knew that Qin Tianyue could tell the fortune. Qin Tianyue said that something they didn't know had happened just now. Could the woman named Sun Lei be pushed to the zombie by this woman?

"You talk nonsense, you talk nonsense!"

Min Jiarou looked at Qin Tianyue in horror and yelled sharply to cover up her guilty conscience.

How would she know? Why would she know?

"Tianyue said that you pushed your friends, so you did. I didn't expect that you, a woman who looks delicate and weak, does such a disgusting thing. Boss, she can't follow us."

Tang Wei said coldly, if such a woman followed them, if she was pushed behind her, they wouldn't know how to die.

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