Rebirth Space: Ace Spicy Wife, Don’t Get Angry

Chapter 1380: You also believe her nonsense (seven more)

Min Jiarou's face changed drastically, "Do you believe it just by relying on her nonsense?"

Min Jiarou glared at Tang Wei in disbelief.

Qin Tianyue smiled coldly, turned to ignore Min Jiarou, and walked with Mo Yishen in the direction of looking for Hua Ting Hua Mingsheng.

She didn't have time to quarrel with Min Jiarou here. She was still looking for someone, and she had to see if she could find them before dark, otherwise no one of them knew what was going on in the Black Forest.

"You make it clear, you are not allowed to go if you don't make it clear!"

Min Jiarou shouted angrily, why does that woman know so many things, she doesn't believe it!

Tang Wei stretched out her hand to stop Min Jiarou's hand, and said in a cold voice, "Miss, we won't take you again, you can do it yourself."

If she could, she didn’t want to care about these cheeky people at all, and she told them not to come in these places, because it was really dangerous. No one of them listened. Now that she entered here, she depends on them. She is really cheeky enough. How cheeky it is.

"You actually believe her, she is nonsense, Brother Ming, Brother Hao, you believe me."

Min Jiarou grabbed Luo Hao Wu Fangming's hand in a panic, hoping they would believe him.

"Jia Rou, calm down, of course we believe you."

Wu Fangming grabbed Min Jiarou's hand. The beautiful girl was talking nonsense. Of course they didn't believe her. Besides, how could Jiarou push Sun Lei to feed the zombies, even if it did, how could that woman know?

"Nonsense? Tianyue knows fortune-telling. What have you done? She knows exactly what you have done. From now on, we won't say a word to you anymore. Let's do it for yourself. So are you guys. I have reminded you of the danger here. Instead, you don’t listen, and now you bear the consequences for yourself."

After Tang Wei finished speaking, she stopped looking at Luo Hao and others, and said to Qi Feiye, "Boss, let's go."

Qi Feiye nodded and asked in a low voice, "She can tell the fortune?"

"Yes, Weiwei, what you said is false, right?"

Deng Chen couldn't believe it. That amazing girl could tell fortune-telling?

"Do you think I will lie to you?"

Tang Wei rolled her eyes and walked in the direction of Qin Tianyue.

Qi Feiye quickly walked up with a slight thought.

Deng Chen concealed his inner shock and hurriedly followed forward.

The other three abilities, after a cold glance at Min Jiarou, followed.

Yao Ya and the three of them didn't even look at Min Jiarou, and hurriedly followed.

"Jia Rou, tell me, are they true?"

Luo Hao asked with a sullen face. From just now, he found that Min Jiarou seemed to be something wrong. She was flashing something. When that Tang Wei said that the girl named Qin Tianyue could tell a fortune, he saw the horror in Min Jiarou's eyes.

Is Sun Lei's accident really because of Min Jiarou?

"I...not me!"

Min Jiarou shook her head timidly and her eyes flickered. This was the first time she had killed someone and lied, inevitably nervous and scared.

How could Luo Hao and Wu Fangming fail to see that Min Jiarou had lied. They believed her just now, and now seeing her flashing appearance, they knew that she must have lied.

"Jia Rou, I didn't expect you to be such a person."

Luo Hao and Wu Fangming withdrew their hands, Min Jiarou stood sluggishly on the spot, "I...I don't, I don't!"

She kept trying to explain, but she could not get a response from Luo Hao and Wu Fangming.

The two looked at Min Jiarou and strode towards Qi Feiye and the others.

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