Rebirth Space: Ace Spicy Wife, Don’t Get Angry

Chapter 1381: Don't leave me, how can there be such a thick fog (eight shifts)

Min Jiarou is no longer protected by the group of people, they must abandon her, otherwise the group will not save them when something happens on their own.

"Don't leave me. I was wrong. I didn't want to. Don't leave me."

Min Jiarou trembled in fear, and there seemed to be wild beasts looking at her in secret. Min Jiarou gritted her teeth when she thought of the terrifying zombie just now. She couldn't stay here alone. What if a zombie rushed out?

Min Jiarou ran after her in fear, but did not notice that a tall black figure appeared from behind a tree ten seconds after she left. He was dressed in black clothes and a long black cloth with his head covered. Under the brim of the black hat, black rotting meat was exposed on the lower jaw, and a stench and stench radiated from his body.

Qin Tianyue and Mo Yishen took the lead in walking in the death forest, following some traces of trampling.

Mo Xiao and the Momen behind them did not dare to relax their vigilance, fearing that beasts or so-called zombies would emerge.

Qi Feiye, Tang Wei and others quickly caught up with Qin Tianyue.

Qi Feiye has been holding the detector in his hand. Since entering here, his detector has not moved, and there is no sign of anyone alive.

The more you walk inside, the more gloomy and dark the entire forest.

At this time it was about two o'clock in the afternoon, and they had been searching in the Death Forest for two full hours.

The thick fog that had dissipated seemed to show signs of recovery, and slowly diffused again, making it hard to see the road ahead.

Qin Tianyue and Mo stopped in deep footsteps, and they frowned slightly, looking at the death forest where dense fog was slowly gathering.

The village chief once said that the dense fog in the Death Forest would dissipate a lot at 12 noon, and the dense fog would begin to gather at 6 o'clock in the evening and finally become as dense as they first saw.

It was only about two o'clock now, and thick fog began to accumulate.

"Why is there such a thick fog at this time?"

Deng Chen raised his eyes and looked around. Just now, he could see many nearby trees. Because the fog was slowly gathering, now he could almost only see a few trees in front of him.

"It seems that we must do it as soon as possible. If we can't find it, we must find a safe place to rest first."

Qi Feiye said with a sullen face, this thick fog is really strange, but there is no way. They can't predict the natural weather. Now that this situation occurs, they must speed up their search.


Tang Wei and others nodded.

Yao Ya and the others followed Tang Wei and the others, and they didn't dare to fall a few steps behind. The Death Forest was even more terrifying than they had just entered. There seemed to be a beast in the dark, which was really terrifying.

Luo Hao and Wu Fangming looked around and were afraid of some monsters emerging from the thick fog.

They regret coming here, but they can't leave right away. Except for the so-called treasure, they are afraid to go back and meet zombies, so it is better to follow these people.

Min Jiarou stood behind Luo Hao in fear. Since the incident just now, the two of them stopped paying attention to her. She didn't dare to speak any more, so she could only look back at her behind one step at a time.

"There is movement, there is movement in the detector!"

Qi Feiye, who was holding the detector, opened his mouth with excitement, his eyes gleaming at a red dot appearing on his detector.

Deng Chen and Tang Wei took a closer look, and they found a red dot flickering 100 meters to their left.

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