Rebirth Space: Ace Spicy Wife, Don’t Get Angry

Chapter 1387: Will he be the zombie boss (six more)

Yao Ya is afraid that if she stays here all the time, she will be attacked by countless zombies. Obviously these zombies are attacking here. No matter how strong these people are, it is very likely that something will happen in the end. She must not sit and wait for death. , Waiting for them to save themselves.

She can run back in the chaos, these zombies are here, there must be no more on the way back, she must leave now.

After Yao Ya escaped, Qi Feiye didn't pay attention. They just wanted to deal with the zombies who didn't know where they came from.

They knew everything about Luo Hao and Wu Fangming's death, and they were overwhelmed. Of course, they couldn't save them.

These people had long told them that something would happen, but no one paid attention to their advice, and they were still killing each other at the last moment.

Qin Tianyue and Mo Yishen once again dealt with the two so-called zombies, their eyes suddenly fell into the dark shadows in the thick fog directly in front.

The black shadow has been standing there, lowering his head, seeming to be smiling weirdly.

Qin Tianyue's eyes condensed with deep eyes, his expression sinking slightly.

This figure seemed to have been standing there since just now. He just watched them deal with the zombies quietly, as if watching a play.

After Qi Feiye and the others solved the last zombie, they were about to walk to Qin Tianyue Mo Yishen's body, and their eyes fell directly in front of him.

"Who are you?"

Qi Feiye stepped forward and asked coldly.

Who is the shadow in the thick fog and why does it stand there? He didn't seem to be afraid of anything, instead he let out a faint and weird laugh, like a mockery.

"who I am?!"

After a long time, a hoarse and unpleasant voice sounded in the thick fog, and he slowly raised his head, and a rotten face under the black cloth appeared in front of everyone.

Although only vague and general can be seen, I still know that the face is similar to the zombie faces they dealt with. No, it is more terrifying. The smell on his body comes from the wind, and it smells like a corpse. The smell of rotten.

"I just wanted to play a game with you, how can I know that you are so good?!"

The hoarse and weird voice sounded in the thick fog again, and the man let out a weird laugh, "Come here, how can I let you go back alive? Why don't we play a little bigger?"

"who are you?"

Qi Feiye had an ugly expression and a sharp look. He wanted to step forward, but the man's figure suddenly disappeared into the thick fog, leaving only some residual voices.

"As long as you can survive, I can tell you the whereabouts of the person you are looking for."

"After you are alive, you can go down this road and enter into a thick yellow fog. Those who ran in are in it. As for whether they are still alive, I don’t know. Good luck to you, hahahaha !"

The man's piercing and strange voice echoed all around, and as the man disappeared, the death forest soon returned to the strange silence.

"Is he also a zombie? Why is he different from those zombies?"

Tang Wei said suspiciously, the man who was speaking obviously still had human sensibility, and they had killed zombies and had lost human sensibility.

"Will he be the boss of these zombies?"

A supernatural person frowned and spoke. The zombies they dealt with seemed to be controlled by humans. They were irrational, but could appear here neatly, attacking them neatly, and the man just said he wanted to play games with them.

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