Rebirth Space: Ace Spicy Wife, Don’t Get Angry

Chapter 1388: No matter what it is, the end will be the same (seven more)

He felt that this man was able to control the boss of these zombies, because he gave them the feeling that they were more crippling than the zombies he killed.


A low and soft voice sounded from Qin Tianyue's mouth, Qin Tianyue's gaze withdrew from the direction where the man had just disappeared, and she agreed with what the person with the ability to speak just now said.

These zombies do seem to be controlled, the only possibility is that they were controlled by the man just now.

Mo Yishen's tall and slender body stood in front of Qin Tianyue, his phoenix eyes cold, "No matter what it is, the end will be the same."

Qin Tianyue raised his head to look at Mo Yishen, slightly curling his lips, "Yes!"

"Is what he said is true?"

Deng Chen walked to Qi Feiye and asked in a deep voice.

Just now the man said that they wanted to save people down this road in the thick yellow fog, and where was that? Why did he feel that when the man talked about the thick yellow fog, his words paused for a while, as if there was something taboo? .

"Whether it's true or not, we must go on!"

If they are looking for someone, they must go, even if it is not in the so-called yellow mist, they must also go to other places to find them.

"Go, you can't stay here for long!"

Huan glanced around, Qi Feiye said coldly.

"Can't go!"

Mo spoke in a deep icy voice and looked straight ahead with sharp eyes. He heard the sound of footsteps, with a slight gasp.

Mo Xiao stood vigilantly in front of Mo Yishen Qin Tianyue, and several Momen people behind him looked forward with vigilance.

The expressions of Qi Feiye and the others changed slightly. They did not have such sensitive ears as Qin Tianyuemo, and could not hear the subtle sounds. They could feel the sound of footsteps gradually approaching.

Soon a few giant wolves that were taller than the ones I saw just now appeared in front of a few people. These giant wolves were all bitten marks, and the internal organs in their abdomen slowly dragged to the ground, and black blood flowed. In one place, his body was completely rotten, his eyes were blank, and his mouth was wide open with a foul smell.

There are three zombie giant wolves, which are significantly less than the zombies and ordinary wolves just dealt with, but they give people a more terrifying aura.

The giant wolf slowly paced around Qin Tianyue and the others, with a big fishy mouth and a godless eyes turning slightly, as if thinking about how to tear them apart.

The tip of Qin Tianyue's nose moved slightly, and she could clearly smell the stench emanating from the body of the giant wolf. There was some strange smell of medicine in this stench, because it was so stinky, she could only smell that these medicines should be poisons. .

These giant wolves are not as simple as ordinary zombies.

She had watched it carefully when dealing with zombies just now. Many zombies turned into zombies after people died. Even the woman just now was in a half-dead state.

Only these giant wolves in front of them, as if they were bitten, did not die, and were filled with a lot of poison.

"Be careful, these wolves are not easy!"

Qi Feiye frowned to make everyone be careful, and everyone nodded.

Without waiting for everyone to react, the three giant wolves leaped towards several people, with tearing fierceness.

The abilities of Qi Feiye and others began to be used. Two men with earth abilities trapped a giant wolf, and Qi Feiye and Deng Chen used lightning and ice abilities to attack the giant wolf.

Under the dual attack of lightning and ice power, the giant wolf actually did not leave much trace on its body. With its immensely powerful ability to break free from the earth, it rushed towards Qi Feiye and the others.

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