Rebirth Space: Ace Spicy Wife, Don’t Get Angry

Chapter 1400: She waited for the person she was waiting for (three shifts)

She obviously only slept, why did she wake up here and forget a lot of things.

Unable to shake her head uncomfortably, Qin Tianyue closed her eyes, hoping to really wake up. She knew that all this was due to the thick yellow fog and the strange magnetic field.

Opening his eyes again, Qin Tianyue stared at the bustling bustling area, completely stunned.

These familiar buildings let her know where she is now.

Why did she come to the capital again?

Will those pictures change slowly? What kind of changes are there?

At this moment, she was standing outside Jinglin Community. She wanted to get inside, but was stopped outside.

"Miss, you can't go in!"

The security guard of Jinglin Community stopped Qin Tianyue, staring at her dress, frowning slightly.

The girl looks good, but she doesn't learn well. This is a place where the rich in the capital can live. How can she be allowed to go in? At first glance, she is dressed like that of a rich person, and her clothes and pants are washed white.

Being stopped outside, Qin Tianyue's expression remained unchanged, "I live inside!"

"You live in it? Little girl, can you stop being funny?"

Another security guard couldn't help but laughed out loud, "Little girl, did you wake up? We haven't seen you before, and you said you live here."

"You have to know that the people here are either rich or entitled. Where do you have the ability to live here, or go back to sleep, and say that you may not be able to see this in your dreams."

Several security guards couldn't help laughing, Qin Tianyue frowned slightly and turned to leave.

The security guards behind him were still laughing at Qin Tianyue. Qin Tianyue held on to the wall to the side with a terrible headache.

She wanted to wake up, but she couldn't wake up anyway. She didn't know how to wake up.

She felt that she was almost unable to remember anything, and she didn't know what she was doing sometimes.

Qin Tianyue walked towards the Xuanyi Shop and Pinyue Restaurant, standing in a familiar place, but did not see the familiar shop.

This is not a place she is familiar with at all, as if she has never been born again, everything is just like she is dreaming.

There is no heavenly eye, no space, no small fire, no Hua Zhenzhu them, nor Luoxi them.

She didn't believe it, she didn't believe anything!

Qin Tianyue gritted her teeth and took a taxi to the Mo Group. Since she wants her to come to the capital, she must see Mo Yishen and must see him.

The taxi stopped quickly, and Qin Tianyue gave the only money he had left to the driver. He stood under the Mo Group's high building, looking at the towering Mo Group, and walked towards the Mo Group.

Without accident, he was stopped again.

Qin Tianyue walked out of the Mo group in despair and stood at the door of the Mo group, staring at the people passing by. She was looking forward to seeing Mo Yishen's car, hoping that he could see her.

As night slowly approached, Qin Tianyue had been waiting outside like this, and many people were watching her, staring at her with weird eyes, thinking that this girl was sick, and stood here for so long without moving.

Qin Tianyue didn't know what was going on, she didn't want this in her heart, but she couldn't move her footsteps, as if something was controlling her.

A Rolls Royce drove out of the underground garage of the Mo Group. Qin Tianyue saw the familiar vehicle and couldn't help but mutter with a low smile, "Mo Yishen!"

She waited for the person she was waiting for!

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