Rebirth Space: Ace Spicy Wife, Don’t Get Angry

Chapter 1401: It seems that someone is controlling her (four more)

Qin Tianyue's eyes were slightly moist, and she felt as if she hadn't seen him in a long time. To get here, she had worked so hard to get here, and she was afraid that he would not know her.

No, people all over the world will not know her, he definitely won't!

Qin Tianyue knew that in the illusion, she couldn't help her many thoughts at all, as if someone was controlling her, some things she didn't want to say, but she couldn't control it.

Seeing Rolls-Royce leave, Qin Tianyue strode forward, "Mo Yishen!"

She called out his name loudly, hoping that he could know, stop, and look back at her.

However, no matter how she called his name, his car did not stop.

Qin Tianyue kept chasing in disbelief. She fell to the ground and broke her palm. She still didn't want to give up.

Several people in black did not know where they came from, grabbed Qin Tianyue's shoulders, buckled her, and looked at her coldly.

"Miss, stop and go back to your home!"

The headed man in black did not have any warm expression, nor did he usually face Qin Tianyue's temperature, as if looking at a stranger, no, it was worse than a stranger.

"Mo Yi, I'm looking for you Lord Mo!"

Qin Tianyue was a little excited when he saw the man in black who led him.

She knew that the fantasy world was controlling her again.

Mo looked at Qin Tianyue warily, "Who are you?"

"I...I am..."

Qin Tianyue was stuck in place, Mo Yi's question made her unable to say anything. Should she say that she is Mo Yishen's girlfriend, the wife in their mouth?

No, his eyes were unfamiliar and cold. Here, he didn't know her at all. He didn't know her at all. She said that, I'm afraid they would treat her as a neuropathy, maybe they would send her to a mental hospital.

"Miss, you better be sober and go home well."

Another person in black looked at Qin Tianyue's delicate appearance, and couldn't bear it. How could such a beautiful girl be obsessed with their Lord Mo.

Several people in black came and went quickly. Knowing that Qin Tianyue was not a dangerous person, they quickly disappeared, as if they had never been here.

Qin Tianyue looked at the Rolls-Royce gradually disappearing without focus, and couldn't help but beckoned to call a taxi to follow the Rolls-Royce in the distance ahead.

No matter what, even if she wants to see it, she has to look at him.

Lauslas drove towards the unknown capital until he stopped in front of a single-family villa.

A charming and charming girl was already waiting at the entrance of the villa. Seeing the arrival of Rolls-Royce, the girl smiled happily, "Yes!"

Mo Yishen got out of the car with a slender and tall figure, with a petting smile on his handsome face, "Well! It's cold outside, let's go in!"

"It's not cold, I have already cooked the food, but I cook it myself."

The girl stood on tiptoe and touched her deep cheek with her lips, with a shy expression on her face.

Qin Tianyue got out of the taxi and watched this scene blankly. She knew what was wrong, but still couldn't restrain her uncomfortable heart.

How could this be? What's wrong in the end?

Her heart was hurting badly. She didn't expect Mo Yishen to come to Yun Zhixi's private villa. Seeing the intimate appearance of the two, Qin Tianyue bit her lower lip uncomfortably and couldn't help tightening her fists.

Seeing Mo Yishen holding Yun Zhixi's long and narrow phoenix eyes tightly locked Yun Zhixi, he seemed to kiss her deeply.

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