Rebirth Space: Ace Spicy Wife, Don’t Get Angry

Chapter 1407: How am I willing to hurt you (two more)

The more Qin Tianyue talked, the more guilty he became, and he dared not look at Mo Yishen at all.

She could feel a forbearing gaze above her head, and quickly hugged Mo to beg for mercy, "I was really wrong, and I don't know why I thought that way."

She really didn't know why she dreamed of that. Although she was a little afraid that Mo Yishen would dislike her once real self, she never thought that he would fall in love with Yun Zhixi.

I don't know how that absurd dream of fantasy made her think that way.

"You said, saw me and Yun Zhixi together? See me pinch your neck, see me stabbing your body with a knife?"

With every word Mo Yishen said, his voice became lower and deeper.

Qin Tianyue lowered his head so that it couldn't be lowered, "I know it's wrong, I know it's wrong."

"The one you love the most is me, how can you be willing to treat me like that!"

Qin Tianyue raised his head and smiled coquettishly at Mo Yishen, tiptoes hooked Mo Yishen's neck, her delicate lips covered Mo Yishen's lips, and her delicate tongue touched the corners of his lips with an ambiguous tone.

She wanted him to forget what he had just done, knowing that every time he did this trick, a certain man would not be able to resist it, and it was unsatisfactory to try.

However, Qin Tianyue was wrong this time.

She was lifted up by Mo Yishen, her feet stepped on the backs of his insteps, her slender palms slid down to her hips, and gave her a slap in the face.

Qin Tianyue covered his buttocks, looking at Mo Yishen with beautiful eyes, "Mo Yishen, are you hitting me?"

He hit her again, still hitting her in such a shameful place?

"Aren't you supposed to fight?"

Mo Yi's deep phoenix eyes locked Qin Tianyue, Qin Tianyue flashed his eyes, acting coquettishly, "It's time to fight, but you should be lighter? Let's go find Mo Xiao and the others."

Taking a look at the dense fog around, Qin Tianyue quickly changed the subject, fearing that Mo Yishen would keep on this matter. In fact, she didn't want this. She wanted to deceive Mo Yishen, but knew that she couldn't deceive him at all.

For a person like him, even if there is the slightest error in her words, he can detect it.

Mo Yishen grabbed Qin Tianyue's hand, his phoenix eyes locked Qin Tianyue, and the slender figure approached Qin Tianyue. Qin Tianyue stared at him blankly, "What are you...what?"

"I won't fall in love with other women, I won't ignore you, I won't pinch your neck, I won't stab you with a knife... How am I willing to hurt you?"

The deep and **** voice dissipated in the thick fog, and Qin Tianyue's slender body stood quietly, looking at the ink deep, the corners of her lips were slightly raised, and the corners of her eyes were moist.

"I know!"

Her Mo Yishen would never be willing to hurt her a point, and would rather hurt herself than hurt her.

Her Mo Yishen is the best in the world, so how willing to hurt her.

She knew that the reason for this was partly because of being controlled by the illusion, and partly because of herself.

"So no matter in the future, you are not allowed to wonder about it?"

Mo Yishen looked at Qin Tianyue warningly, and Qin Tianyue nodded quickly, "I know, I will never think about it anymore."


Finally satisfied, Mo Yishen took Qin Tianyue's hand, staring sharply at the thick yellow fog around him. Once they woke up, the thick fog could no longer affect them.

Just about to move forward, Qin Tianyue space suddenly moved, "Wait a minute."

Qin Tianyue spoke in surprise, and Mo Yishen stopped and looked back at Qin Tianyue, "What's wrong?"

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