Rebirth Space: Ace Spicy Wife, Don’t Get Angry

Chapter 1408: There is such a big hole in the ground (three shifts)

Qin Tianyue looked to the right and walked involuntarily toward the front, "The two beads in my space are moving, and there should be one nearby."


Mo Yishen and Qin Tianyue walked toward the front right together.

The two of them crossed the thick yellow fog and walked forward. There was a thick layer of leaves on the ground, and they would sink when they stepped on it.

After walking for about a minute, Qin Tianyue stopped and looked around, because the dense fog was too thick, and the surrounding scenes could not be seen. He could only feel it with the fluctuation of space.


Qin Tianyue murmured in a low voice, the beads he brought back from the tomb of Emperor Ying had been silent for a long time, and finally met one, and now he was about to meet another one. I don't know how many such beads are there? What does it do? Is it true that as Mrs. Shi said, it can save lives and cure diseases?

Mo Yishen looked around like Qin Tianyue, and in front of them there were no beads except for the leaves and weeds of the trees.

"Is it hiding under the leaves?"

Qin Tianyue's head filled up a lot of pictures. Maybe someone had been here before and dropped the bead in the ground. After so long, the ground is full of thick leaves, even if it falls on the ground, it is not easy to find.

Qin Tianyue stepped forward, and the ground he was stepping on suddenly sank.

Mo Yishen grabbed Qin Tianyue's hand and held her, and the two of them fell towards the ground together, falling into the unknown ground together.

As if playing on a slide, the two fell into the ground along the slide. Mo Yishen hugged Qin Tianyue and rolled on the ground. The ground was dark, and it was impossible to see exactly what was in front of him.

Qin Tianyue quickly took out the phone and turned on the flashlight on the phone to illuminate the ground in front of him.

Through the flashlight of the mobile phone, the surrounding scenes appeared in front of Qin Tianyue. The uneven walls were painted black. There were a few things that looked like treasure chests on the corners of the walls, and there were a few swimming snakes on the chests. .

"Here... there is such a big hole?"

Qin Tianyue saw everything in front of him clearly, and murmured, if it hadn't fallen to the ground suddenly, they would never have found such a big hole under the thick leaves.

Mo Yishen glanced at the black hole in front of him, and his eyes fell on the treasure chest in the corner.

"where to!"

Qin Tianyue looked at the boxes of things in the corner, because they were old, and there was a lot of dust on them.

The two walked in the direction of the box and stood in front of the box. The beads in the space were beating more severely. Even the small fire was tumbling up and down in the space, and they kept telling Qin Tianyue that the beads were so bright.

"Is this the treasure of the legend of Pingyin Village?"

I heard about this since I came here, saying that there is a treasure in Pingyin Village, and the legend of this treasure seems to have been circulating many years ago.

Except for the treasure and then the zombies, it is precisely because of these two things that Pingyin Village suddenly became famous.

"open to take a look!"

Mo sounded with a deep, low voice, took a step forward, grabbed the snake on the treasure chest and threw it to the ground. He glanced at the lock on the treasure chest. With a light movement of his slender hand, the long rotten lock was ripped to the ground by Mo Yi. .

Qin Tianyue stepped forward and stood in front of Mo Yishen, watching Mo Yishen open the treasure chest, the golden light almost didn't blur Qin Tianyue's face, "Is this really a treasure?"

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